How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved?



I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just leave the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.

| This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut. Among other things.
| --
| Steve Easton
| Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed............
| .......................with a computer
| | > Just disable right-clicking:
| >
| > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| >
| > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from anything. All
| > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| >
| > --
| > George Hester
| > _________________________________
| > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by viewers
| > > who use the right click menu?
| >
| >

Kevin Spencer

I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
uninformed source?

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just leave
the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.

| This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
Among other things.
| --
| Steve Easton
| Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed............
| .......................with a computer
| | > Just disable right-clicking:
| >
| > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| >
| > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from anything.
| > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| >
| > --
| > George Hester
| > _________________________________
| > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| > > who use the right click menu?
| >
| >


I like that...I'll have to remember it.

| I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
| uninformed source?
| --
| HTH,
| Kevin Spencer
| .Net Developer
| Microsoft MVP
| Neither a follower
| nor a lender be.
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
| wrote in message | I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just leave
| the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.
| | | This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
| Among other things.
| |
| |
| | --
| | Steve Easton
| | Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| | 95isalive
| | This site is best viewed............
| | .......................with a computer
| |
| | | | > Just disable right-clicking:
| | >
| | > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| | >
| | > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from anything.
| All
| | > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| | >
| | > --
| | > George Hester
| | > _________________________________
| | > | | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| viewers
| | > > who use the right click menu?
| | >
| | >
| |
| |

George Hester

Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in it.
The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:

<img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />

I cache it and check that it exists:

function image_onerror(){
document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find image! -
'+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');

If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:

function image_onload(){
var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
objImage.src = aImage[0].src; = 'visible'; = 'block';
if (!release)
objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
objImage.galleryImg = 'no';

And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...

document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;

function image_oncontextmenu(){
window.event.returnValue = true;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;

The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means no
clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically built.
If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well you
can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember add
to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..


I think you may be missing the point.

Try your method, post the url and I bet you anyone here will have the image downloaded in less time then it would take to read your last post.

| Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
| That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
| Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
| right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in it.
| The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:
| <img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />
| I cache it and check that it exists:
| function image_onerror(){
| document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
| document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
| color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
| document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find image! -
| '+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
| window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');
| }
| If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:
| function image_onload(){
| var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
| objImage.src = aImage[0].src;
| = 'visible';
| = 'block';
| if (!release)
| objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
| else
| objImage.galleryImg = 'no';
| }
| And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...
| document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;
| function image_oncontextmenu(){
| window.event.returnValue = true;
| window.event.cancelBubble = true;
| }
| The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means no
| clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
| they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
| won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically built.
| If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well you
| can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
| pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
| everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember add
| to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
| cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..
| --
| George Hester
| _________________________________
| | > I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
| > uninformed source?
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| > Kevin Spencer
| > .Net Developer
| > Microsoft MVP
| > Neither a follower
| > nor a lender be.
| >
| > "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
| > wrote in message | > I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
| leave
| > the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.
| >
| >
| > | > | This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
| > Among other things.
| > |
| > |
| > | --
| > | Steve Easton
| > | Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| > | 95isalive
| > | This site is best viewed............
| > | .......................with a computer
| > |
| > | | > | > Just disable right-clicking:
| > | >
| > | > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| > | >
| > | > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from
| anything.
| > All
| > | > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > George Hester
| > | > _________________________________
| > | > | > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| > viewers
| > | > > who use the right click menu?
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

George Hester

I never said anything of the sort. I think you were missing the point. The
op knows that he\she cannot keep the images from the client. That's a done
deal Rob. Steve Easton said, "[t]his also disables the ability to right
click and create a shortcut. Among other things." You then agreed with
him, "I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
leave the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just
leave." I guess I thought you meant save it as a Favorite as a shortcut.
Oh well my mistake then. No shortcuts to the page as I showed you either.

My point was why not make the page have a disabled context menu if the
shortcut would never work in the first place? Like I said that would mean
you were upset with Form Confirmation pages or Secure sites. Because you
cannot save them as a shortcut. You still have to go through the logon

George Hester
"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message I think you may be missing the point.

Try your method, post the url and I bet you anyone here will have the image
downloaded in less time then it would take to read your last post.

| Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
| That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
| Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
| right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in
| The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:
| <img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />
| I cache it and check that it exists:
| function image_onerror(){
| document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
| document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
| color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
| document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find
image! -
| '+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
| window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');
| }
| If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:
| function image_onload(){
| var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
| objImage.src = aImage[0].src;
| = 'visible';
| = 'block';
| if (!release)
| objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
| else
| objImage.galleryImg = 'no';
| }
| And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...
| document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;
| function image_oncontextmenu(){
| window.event.returnValue = true;
| window.event.cancelBubble = true;
| }
| The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means
| clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
| they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
| won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically
| If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well
| can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
| pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
| everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember
| to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
| cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..
| --
| George Hester
| _________________________________
| | > I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
| > uninformed source?
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| > Kevin Spencer
| > .Net Developer
| > Microsoft MVP
| > Neither a follower
| > nor a lender be.
| >
| > "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
<[email protected]>
| > wrote in message | > I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
| leave
| > the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.
| >
| >
| > | > | This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
| > Among other things.
| > |
| > |
| > | --
| > | Steve Easton
| > | Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| > | 95isalive
| > | This site is best viewed............
| > | .......................with a computer
| > |
| > | | > | > Just disable right-clicking:
| > | >
| > | > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| > | >
| > | > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from
| anything.
| > All
| > | > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > George Hester
| > | > _________________________________
| > | > | > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| > viewers
| > | > > who use the right click menu?
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

Steve Easton

My point was, that if I visit a page that I may want to return to, I right click and create a
desktop shortcut instead of using Control+G to add it to favorites where it usually winds up being

Authors who indiscriminately disable the context menu for an entire page such as a home page, are
shooting themselves in the foot imho. If they really knew what they were doing, they would simply
disable right click on the image itself, even though doing so is an exercise in futility and a total
waste of time.

As for creating a shortcut to a password protected page, If I had the page open I obviously knew the
password to begin with.!!

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer

George Hester said:
I never said anything of the sort. I think you were missing the point. The
op knows that he\she cannot keep the images from the client. That's a done
deal Rob. Steve Easton said, "[t]his also disables the ability to right
click and create a shortcut. Among other things." You then agreed with
him, "I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
leave the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just
leave." I guess I thought you meant save it as a Favorite as a shortcut.
Oh well my mistake then. No shortcuts to the page as I showed you either.

My point was why not make the page have a disabled context menu if the
shortcut would never work in the first place? Like I said that would mean
you were upset with Form Confirmation pages or Secure sites. Because you
cannot save them as a shortcut. You still have to go through the logon

George Hester
"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message I think you may be missing the point.

Try your method, post the url and I bet you anyone here will have the image
downloaded in less time then it would take to read your last post.

| Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
| That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
| Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
| right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in
| The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:
| <img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />
| I cache it and check that it exists:
| function image_onerror(){
| document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
| document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
| color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
| document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find
image! -
| '+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
| window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');
| }
| If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:
| function image_onload(){
| var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
| objImage.src = aImage[0].src;
| = 'visible';
| = 'block';
| if (!release)
| objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
| else
| objImage.galleryImg = 'no';
| }
| And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...
| document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;
| function image_oncontextmenu(){
| window.event.returnValue = true;
| window.event.cancelBubble = true;
| }
| The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means
| clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
| they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
| won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically
| If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well
| can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
| pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
| everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember
| to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
| cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..
| --
| George Hester
| _________________________________
| | > I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
| > uninformed source?
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| > Kevin Spencer
| > .Net Developer
| > Microsoft MVP
| > Neither a follower
| > nor a lender be.
| >
| > "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
<[email protected]>
| > wrote in message | > I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
| leave
| > the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.
| >
| >
| > | > | This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
| > Among other things.
| > |
| > |
| > | --
| > | Steve Easton
| > | Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| > | 95isalive
| > | This site is best viewed............
| > | .......................with a computer
| > |
| > | | > | > Just disable right-clicking:
| > | >
| > | > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| > | >
| > | > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from
| anything.
| > All
| > | > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > George Hester
| > | > _________________________________
| > | > | > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| > viewers
| > | > > who use the right click menu?
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

Kevin Spencer

Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.

Spreak Engrish, Preeze!


Hey, dude, it's your site. Do what thou wilt with it. I (and many others
like me and Rob) simply won't go there. We'll think it was designed by a
newbie. If that's cool with you, well, it's a free Internet.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

George Hester said:
Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in it.
The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:

<img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />

I cache it and check that it exists:

function image_onerror(){
document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find image! -
'+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');

If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:

function image_onload(){
var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
objImage.src = aImage[0].src; = 'visible'; = 'block';
if (!release)
objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
objImage.galleryImg = 'no';

And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...

document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;

function image_oncontextmenu(){
window.event.returnValue = true;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;

The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means no
clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically built.
If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well you
can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember add
to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..

George Hester
Kevin Spencer said:
I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
uninformed source?

Kevin Spencer
.Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
wrote in message I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just leave
the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.

| This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
Among other things.
| --
| Steve Easton
| Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed............
| .......................with a computer
| | > Just disable right-clicking:
| >
| > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| >
| > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from anything.
| > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| >
| > --
| > George Hester
| > _________________________________
| > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| > > who use the right click menu?
| >
| >


ok i see.
don't think i've ever tried to shortcut a form confirmation page though - if i need to save them i just print it and tack it up on the wall until the product arrives

| I never said anything of the sort. I think you were missing the point. The
| op knows that he\she cannot keep the images from the client. That's a done
| deal Rob. Steve Easton said, "[t]his also disables the ability to right
| click and create a shortcut. Among other things." You then agreed with
| him, "I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
| leave the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just
| leave." I guess I thought you meant save it as a Favorite as a shortcut.
| Oh well my mistake then. No shortcuts to the page as I showed you either.
| My point was why not make the page have a disabled context menu if the
| shortcut would never work in the first place? Like I said that would mean
| you were upset with Form Confirmation pages or Secure sites. Because you
| cannot save them as a shortcut. You still have to go through the logon
| process.
| --
| George Hester
| _________________________________
| "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
| wrote in message | I think you may be missing the point.
| Try your method, post the url and I bet you anyone here will have the image
| downloaded in less time then it would take to read your last post.
| | | Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
| | That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
| | Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
| | right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in
| it.
| | The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:
| |
| | <img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />
| |
| | I cache it and check that it exists:
| |
| | function image_onerror(){
| | document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
| | document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
| | color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
| | document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find
| image! -
| | '+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
| | window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');
| | }
| |
| | If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:
| |
| | function image_onload(){
| | var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
| | objImage.src = aImage[0].src;
| | = 'visible';
| | = 'block';
| | if (!release)
| | objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
| | else
| | objImage.galleryImg = 'no';
| | }
| |
| | And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...
| |
| | document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;
| |
| | function image_oncontextmenu(){
| | window.event.returnValue = true;
| | window.event.cancelBubble = true;
| | }
| |
| | The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means
| no
| | clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
| | they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
| | won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically
| built.
| | If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well
| you
| | can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
| | pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
| | everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember
| add
| | to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
| | cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..
| |
| | --
| | George Hester
| | _________________________________
| | | | > I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
| | > uninformed source?
| | >
| | > --
| | > HTH,
| | > Kevin Spencer
| | > .Net Developer
| | > Microsoft MVP
| | > Neither a follower
| | > nor a lender be.
| | >
| | > "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
| <[email protected]>
| | > wrote in message | | > I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
| | leave
| | > the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.
| | >
| | >
| | > | | > | This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
| | > Among other things.
| | > |
| | > |
| | > | --
| | > | Steve Easton
| | > | Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| | > | 95isalive
| | > | This site is best viewed............
| | > | .......................with a computer
| | > |
| | > | | | > | > Just disable right-clicking:
| | > | >
| | > | > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| | > | >
| | > | > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from
| | anything.
| | > All
| | > | > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| | > | >
| | > | > --
| | > | > George Hester
| | > | > _________________________________
| | > | > | | > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| | > viewers
| | > | > > who use the right click menu?
| | > | >
| | > | >
| | > |
| | > |
| | >
| | >
| |
| |

Jerry Johnson

How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by viewers
who use the right click menu?

(1) cut your images into segments and reassemble when the page is loaded.
(2) use a script to disable the (r) mouse click, such as,

<script language=JavaScript>
// Disable right mouse click Script
// Change message content in quotes.
var message="Function disabled to protect distribution. Sorry";

function clickIE4(){
if (event.button==2){
return false;

function clickNS4(e){
if (document.layers||document.getElementById&&!document.all){
if (e.which==2||e.which==3){
return false;

if (document.layers){
else if (document.all&&!document.getElementById){

document.oncontextmenu=new Function("alert(message);return false")

// -->

(3) This will provide some site protection from the average web user,
but not from those with development backgroud.

George Hester

Yes that is right you can disable the context menu on the image and leave the rest of the page alone.
And yes that is an effort in futility. It does nothing. I do it the other way. The image does have the
context menu. The page itself does not. So in your case it wouldn't matter anyway. They cannot save
the URL to the image and expect it to work. At least not the page. They can save a shortcut right to
the actual image but then that requires looking at the page or just deducing where the image is.

So what is the point of allowing a page to be saved as a URL to it or as a Favorite if the page will not
work? I have set it up so that if the user does try to access one of these pages with images first thing
then they go through a number of steps to get to the actual image. They will get there. They just need
to answer a few questions first which as you say if you know the user\pass they are fine. They'll get
what they want. Without that info the page will not work. Doesn't fail just doesn't serve up the image.

I wish there was some way a Web Designer could in fact prohibit a page from being saved as a
Favorite or as a shortcut URL. This is the best I was able to come up with on my own. A direct link
to the image is still possible and I could also stop that, Hot-linking issues. But I decided it was too
much work. Maybe some other time to do that.

George Hester
Steve Easton said:
My point was, that if I visit a page that I may want to return to, I right click and create a
desktop shortcut instead of using Control+G to add it to favorites where it usually winds up being

Authors who indiscriminately disable the context menu for an entire page such as a home page, are
shooting themselves in the foot imho. If they really knew what they were doing, they would simply
disable right click on the image itself, even though doing so is an exercise in futility and a total
waste of time.

As for creating a shortcut to a password protected page, If I had the page open I obviously knew the
password to begin with.!!

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
.......................with a computer

George Hester said:
I never said anything of the sort. I think you were missing the point. The
op knows that he\she cannot keep the images from the client. That's a done
deal Rob. Steve Easton said, "[t]his also disables the ability to right
click and create a shortcut. Among other things." You then agreed with
him, "I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
leave the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just
leave." I guess I thought you meant save it as a Favorite as a shortcut.
Oh well my mistake then. No shortcuts to the page as I showed you either.

My point was why not make the page have a disabled context menu if the
shortcut would never work in the first place? Like I said that would mean
you were upset with Form Confirmation pages or Secure sites. Because you
cannot save them as a shortcut. You still have to go through the logon

George Hester
"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message I think you may be missing the point.

Try your method, post the url and I bet you anyone here will have the image
downloaded in less time then it would take to read your last post.

| Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
| That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
| Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
| right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in
| The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:
| <img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />
| I cache it and check that it exists:
| function image_onerror(){
| document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
| document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
| color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
| document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find
image! -
| '+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
| window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');
| }
| If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:
| function image_onload(){
| var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
| objImage.src = aImage[0].src;
| = 'visible';
| = 'block';
| if (!release)
| objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
| else
| objImage.galleryImg = 'no';
| }
| And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...
| document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;
| function image_oncontextmenu(){
| window.event.returnValue = true;
| window.event.cancelBubble = true;
| }
| The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means
| clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
| they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
| won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically
| If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well
| can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
| pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
| everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember
| to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
| cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..
| --
| George Hester
| _________________________________
| | > I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
| > uninformed source?
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| > Kevin Spencer
| > .Net Developer
| > Microsoft MVP
| > Neither a follower
| > nor a lender be.
| >
| > "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
<[email protected]>
| > wrote in message | > I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
| leave
| > the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.
| >
| >
| > | > | This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
| > Among other things.
| > |
| > |
| > | --
| > | Steve Easton
| > | Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| > | 95isalive
| > | This site is best viewed............
| > | .......................with a computer
| > |
| > | | > | > Just disable right-clicking:
| > | >
| > | > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| > | >
| > | > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from
| anything.
| > All
| > | > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > George Hester
| > | > _________________________________
| > | > | > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| > viewers
| > | > > who use the right click menu?
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

George Hester

That's a very good decision my man. Don't want you there.

George Hester
Kevin Spencer said:
Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.

Spreak Engrish, Preeze!


Hey, dude, it's your site. Do what thou wilt with it. I (and many others
like me and Rob) simply won't go there. We'll think it was designed by a
newbie. If that's cool with you, well, it's a free Internet.

Kevin Spencer
.Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

George Hester said:
Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in it.
The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:

<img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />

I cache it and check that it exists:

function image_onerror(){
document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find image! -
'+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');

If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:

function image_onload(){
var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
objImage.src = aImage[0].src; = 'visible'; = 'block';
if (!release)
objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
objImage.galleryImg = 'no';

And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...

document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;

function image_oncontextmenu(){
window.event.returnValue = true;
window.event.cancelBubble = true;

The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means no
clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically built.
If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well you
can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember add
to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..

George Hester
Kevin Spencer said:
I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
uninformed source?

Kevin Spencer
.Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Neither a follower
nor a lender be.

"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
wrote in message I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just leave
the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.

| This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
Among other things.
| --
| Steve Easton
| Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed............
| .......................with a computer
| | > Just disable right-clicking:
| >
| > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| >
| > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from anything.
| > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| >
| > --
| > George Hester
| > _________________________________
| > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| > > who use the right click menu?
| >
| >

Thomas A. Rowe

No need to right click and create a shortcut, just select the URL in the IE browser address bar and
drag to your desktop, and a shortcut will be created.

This works for 99.9% of all sites I have tried it on.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Steve Easton said:
My point was, that if I visit a page that I may want to return to, I right click and create a
desktop shortcut instead of using Control+G to add it to favorites where it usually winds up being

Authors who indiscriminately disable the context menu for an entire page such as a home page, are
shooting themselves in the foot imho. If they really knew what they were doing, they would simply
disable right click on the image itself, even though doing so is an exercise in futility and a
waste of time.

As for creating a shortcut to a password protected page, If I had the page open I obviously knew
password to begin with.!!

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
.......................with a computer

George Hester said:
I never said anything of the sort. I think you were missing the point. The
op knows that he\she cannot keep the images from the client. That's a done
deal Rob. Steve Easton said, "[t]his also disables the ability to right
click and create a shortcut. Among other things." You then agreed with
him, "I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
leave the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just
leave." I guess I thought you meant save it as a Favorite as a shortcut.
Oh well my mistake then. No shortcuts to the page as I showed you either.

My point was why not make the page have a disabled context menu if the
shortcut would never work in the first place? Like I said that would mean
you were upset with Form Confirmation pages or Secure sites. Because you
cannot save them as a shortcut. You still have to go through the logon

George Hester
"Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)" <[email protected]>
wrote in message I think you may be missing the point.

Try your method, post the url and I bet you anyone here will have the image
downloaded in less time then it would take to read your last post.

| Wait a minute that asumes if you made a shortcut it would mean anything.
| That's like assuming you can make a shortcut to a Form Confirmation page.
| Ain't gonna work man. If the page is generated on the fly why not make it
| right-click disabled? What I do is have the page with only one image in
| The <body has the oncontextmenu in it. But for the <img tag I have this:
| <img id="oImage" name="oImage" style="visibility: hidden;" />
| I cache it and check that it exists:
| function image_onerror(){
| document.getElementById('oImage').style.display = 'none';
| document.getElementById('floattrack').innerHTML = '<center><font
| color="#FFFF00" size="+3">Error loading image...</font></center>';
| document.write('<font size="4" color="#FFFF00"><center>Cannot find
image! -
| '+aImage[0].src+' - <%=strPicture%></center></font>');
| window.location.replace('<%=astrRoot(0) & strPath1%>');
| }
| If it don't then I redirect. If it does I display it:
| function image_onload(){
| var objImage = document.getElementById('oImage');
| objImage.src = aImage[0].src;
| = 'visible';
| = 'block';
| if (!release)
| objImage.galleryImg = 'yes';
| else
| objImage.galleryImg = 'no';
| }
| And make it availabe to Right-click Save as...
| document.images('oImage').oncontextmenu = image_oncontextmenu;
| function image_oncontextmenu(){
| window.event.returnValue = true;
| window.event.cancelBubble = true;
| }
| The rest of the page is still off limits to the context menu. That means
| clicking on the navigation links on the page to see where they go. I know
| they can read the source. I don't care. As for adding it to favorites it
| won't work. The page is login protected and the page is dynamically
| If you were able to get to just the page without sending parameters well
| can tell from above the page is off limits. Won't work. This is just in
| pages that are specific to images. I basically just oncontextmenu false
| everyting and then choose what I want to enable it for inside. Remember
| to favorites (with images) is not an issue here because pages with images
| cannot be added as favorites even if that was functional..
| --
| George Hester
| _________________________________
| | > I leave as soon as I see it. What good is information that comes from an
| > uninformed source?
| >
| > --
| > HTH,
| > Kevin Spencer
| > .Net Developer
| > Microsoft MVP
| > Neither a follower
| > nor a lender be.
| >
| > "Rob Giordano (aka: Crash Gordon®)"
<[email protected]>
| > wrote in message | > I hate when people do that...I use shortcuts all the I just
| leave
| > the site cause I'm pissed...I suspect a lot of people will just leave.
| >
| >
| > | > | This also disables the ability to right click and create a shortcut.
| > Among other things.
| > |
| > |
| > | --
| > | Steve Easton
| > | Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| > | 95isalive
| > | This site is best viewed............
| > | .......................with a computer
| > |
| > | | > | > Just disable right-clicking:
| > | >
| > | > <body oncontextmenu="return false;">
| > | >
| > | > This only works in IE and it doesn't protect your images from
| anything.
| > All
| > | > it does is disable right-clicking in IE.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | > George Hester
| > | > _________________________________
| > | > | > | > > How do I prevent website images from being downloaded and saved by
| > viewers
| > | > > who use the right click menu?
| > | >
| > | >
| > |
| > |
| >
| >

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