How can I make a poster of my Powerpoint presentation?



I am a student required to present a research project in a "poster session"
type setting so participants can tour a room and look at posters with our
PowerPoint presentations. Our instructions were to change the paper size and
cut and paste each individual slide into a new presentation. I think that is
dumb and their has to be an easier way...Does anyone know how?

Kathy Jacobs

If you can print to a large paper printer, it just takes a couple of steps.
If you want just one slide from your presentation, go to that slide, do
File--> Print, then set it to print current page. Set the scale to print the
size of your paper.

Now, what I am guessing your instructions really meant is to print each
slide so that they can be put on either a single large piece of paper or on
one of those display boards you see used at science fairs. If it is the
first, you should save the presentation as jpg or png files, then pull those
into a new presentation and arrange them on a single slide. Print that slide
as indicated above. If what they want is for you to use a display board,
print your slides and attach them to the display board (if you want you can
print them two to a page and cut them apart, then attach them.

DO any of those ideas help?

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint - Available now from Holy Macro! Books
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I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Steve Rindsberg

I am a student required to present a research project in a "poster session"
type setting so participants can tour a room and look at posters with our
PowerPoint presentations. Our instructions were to change the paper size and
cut and paste each individual slide into a new presentation. I think that is
dumb and their has to be an easier way...Does anyone know how?

Why dumb? There's a pretty good reason for it; doing it this way won't distort
your graphics and cause your text to reflow.

On the other hand, if your presentation's already in the same aspect ratio as
the poster size or whatever size has been requested, you can just use File,
Page Setup to change the slide size directly (I'd do this on a copy of my
presentation file, not your original).

Echo S

I'm guessing your profs/research advisors want to put all the individual
slides on one big poster board, right?

You can print them all out individually as Kathy mentioned and spray mount
them to foam core.

Another method is to copy the individual slides (from slide sorter view) and
Edit/Paste Special and choose PPT Slide Object onto a new slide in a new
presentation (in Normal view).

Before pasting in your slides, that new presentation should be set up to
poster size -- or to a percentage of the poster size. For instance, since
PPT's largest measurement is 56" (I think that's it, anyway), and let's say
your instructions are to create a poster 48" x 92", then you would create a
new presentation sized 24" x 46". Then you would send the file to Kinko's or
something and tell them to print it at 200%.

Pasting special from slide sorter view into Normal view as described will
give you what look like thumbnails of your slides, but what are really
embedded slides. You can drag them into place and size by dragging the
corners as necessary. You can also double-click to edit the embedded slides
if you need to make any changes.

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