FTP stops working after XP SP2


Bill Abbott

After I installed Windows XP Service Pack 2, I can no
longer access our customer's FTP site. It allows me to
log into the site, but not view the files to download. I
have tried on 2 PC's with the same result. If I go to a
PC withouth SP2 it works fine. I have tried opening up
the FTP port in Windows Firewall, and I have even tried
turning off the Firewall completely. Any ideas?

Mike Dwyer

I have the same thing on our own website. Accessible by all
Pre-Service pack 2 PC's. The other thing I noticed is this: From a XP
SP 2 pc, you can access the site using the DOS ftp command--just not
the browser. Must be browser related.

Mike Dwyer

Ok, I found a setting that fixes it for me.
Go into Internet Options...Advanced, find the entry under "browsing"
called "Use Passive FTP" and un-check it. That seemed to do it for


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