Font in Windows Mail for vista



Gary VanderMolen said:
The plain fact is that Windows Mail does not have the programming code
necessary to be able to change font size in a received HTML email.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

Correction: Tools > options > read > fonts in WM does the exact same thing as View > text size. It only works for text mail and not HTML. The thread here is correct that if you go to IE tools > Options > Accessability and tell it to ignore font styles, sizes and colors that will work if you reboot. However Vista is a nightmare — like balloon if you squeeze it in one place a problem pops out in another place. For if you do that then you can not write or respond to an email in your selected font. Even if you are set for 14 point type the moment you strike a key the font changes to 12 pt. The only way to write an e-mail in the Font YOU want is to uncheck all those three boxes in Accessability and that means you then can’t adjust the font size for certain incoming email.

Of course you can change it back but to take effect you must reboot. I
never reboot unless I have to because it takes sooo long. So these are not
practical solutions. The method Rookie suggested of forwarding and blocking
and changing the font and then saving to the draft folder works the best but
the time it takes is not worth the effort. Vista gives you meaningless
choices: if you don’t like Dracula they give you Frankenstein.

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