Font in Inbox larger........



How do I change the font in Windows Live Mail in my inbox. As each mail comes
in it is so small. I would like to make it a little bigger. Is this possible.
(I know I could make it larger in Microsoft OutLook Express on my other
laptop with Windows XP)

Is there a way to do this with Vista/Windows Live Mail?
Computer is brand new and set up e-mail a few days ago. Everything else is ok.
Any suggestions for me to enlarge the font there?



***Thank You for your response to my (first time ) question on this forum...

I did do that (before I asked this question here) and changed it to
"Largest" but it's still small like the size of Times New Roman and maybe 12
pt or smaller.

It's just so small for me to see when it all cascades down when it comes in.
I have a hard time reading it. Any other choices I would have?


I did all the steps correctly but it gave me NO option to click "Apply" (It
was WHITED out...)

I thought that was strange too but Vista is different so I just clicked

Sounds like if don't hit "Apply" because I don't have the option to do
so.... it won't change. Is this correct?


Try clicking 'set as default'

LANE said:
I did all the steps correctly but it gave me NO option to click "Apply" (It
was WHITED out...)

I thought that was strange too but Vista is different so I just clicked

Sounds like if don't hit "Apply" because I don't have the option to do
so.... it won't change. Is this correct?


I did that and it's the same. I guess I am not controlled by mailbox. I guess
I have to deal with it. But....if you have any Other SUGGESTIONS... I am here
to try anything. (Thanks for all the responses so far.......)


As I said before I am talking about Windows Mail and you are talking about
Windows Live Mail, which is a different animal, perhaps you may get some
advice in their site

Gary VanderMolen

By any chance have you installed the IE8 beta? It causes that problem.

Otherwise let us know which third party security programs you are
running. Some of them prevent writing to the registry, which means
changes are not saved.


No IE Beta installed here and I am using "Windows Mail" I wrote (Windows Live
Mail) by my other post... Sorry....about that... I am running
Internet Security. I know Norton sometimes causes problems. Let me know
any further suggestions......(Thanks again for your time on this subject)


Gary VanderMolen

There are two ways to change the size of the reading font. You tried
the permanent way. Try the temporary way: View, Text Size, Largest.
Does that work?

If not, there are two other things to try.
1) Uninstall Norton, followed by using their debris removal tool:

Does that fix the problem?

2) Another option is to upgrade to Windows Live Mail, which is more
resistant to the adverse effects of overly intrusive antivirus products:

In any case you must disable any antivirus email scanning, for the reason
explained here:


Thank You Gary.......I will try all of this... (Sometimes I wonder about
Norton Antivirus) I had AVG for a long time and decided to go back to Norton
and come the problems. Never had any ISSUES with

I will let you know if it the font changes after I uninstall Norton. I will
do everything you said here. I copied and pasted it into word and will review
it tomorrow and try it all.

I appreciate everyones help here!


Hi Gary...
Everything is fine. Thanks!! Thanks!! What a wonderful place to be able to
go to and get some answers. And such helpful people!

I have another question....should I post it as a "new"question or should I
stick with you to answer?

I will give you the "new" question I have... ok....

Here goes....... Currently I am in Utah... about 2 miles from "Arches
National Park" (Are you jealous??) LOL....I am in a campground. They have a
good wireless and I can get the INTERNET just fine. I also can RECEIVE
MAIL......but I CANNOTsend out. It says....the server is not right. The only
thing I can do it check it. I have and I put in>>>>>>>>> in the SMPT server. Can you help?
I am wondering if my "NORTON" is the problem AGAIN?? (Oh boy.......Here we
go again) I am can help me once again.......

Gary VanderMolen

You're very welcome. Thanks for reporting back.

Normally, a new question, particularly if it on a different issue, should be
posted in a new topic.

As for your new problem, what you are experiencing is normal, see

As a general rule, the owner of the SMTP server must be the same as
the one providing your Internet connection at that moment.

The available workarounds when sending away from home are as follows:

1. Use webmail for sending (via your browser).
2. Ask your home ISP if they have a port other than '25' for SMTP. I don't think
Cox does. Cable companies are very bad about accommodating travelers.
3. If you use the same away-from-home connection frequently, substitute the SMTP
server belonging to that connection. This is a bit tricky, but if you want to go that route,
I can provide more details.
4. If you frequently send from multiple locations, get a free Gmail account,
configure it for POP access, and use it for your sending chores.
Gmail uses port 465 for SMTP, which is not blocked like port 25 is.


Ok...I understand now about a new subject. I will do that from now on.

Send me all the info on doing what you suggested. Believe it or not I have
an Verizon card and I could put that in but when I do..guess what they ask me
for? My CD....which is home in a drawer. Because this is a new computer that
program is NOT currently installed on THIS one like it was on my old one. I
would call Verizon but I don't want to be on the phone for an hour while on
vacation. My husband says to me..."Hey were retired and I want to relax (We
are traveling in our Motor Home)and not worry about e-mail that won't
send.........(He is not a computer geek like I am.) He could care less if I
send e-mail or not....but I do....... I love learning new
send that info anyway to me and I will try it.

For now....I will go to my browser and go to Mail2web and pick up my mail
and send from there.
Thanks so much ....."once again...!"

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