explorer size



when i first start explorer it opens full size.
any windows after that start a lot smaller, how do i get explorer to open
full screen every time.
im using vista home premium

thanks mike

Adam Albright

when i first start explorer it opens full size.
any windows after that start a lot smaller, how do i get explorer to open
full screen every time.
im using vista home premium

thanks mike

Nearly every window you can open in Windows can be sized.

Look at the extreme right hand top of every window. There you will see
three icons. The first looks like a dash, click it if a window is open
reduces it to a icon on the Task Bar at the bottom of your Desktop.
Clicking on the middle icon shows the window at a reduced size, the X
closed the window.

Lets take IE7 Explorer as a more detailed example of what you can do.
Assuming you already made a shortcut for Explorer and have this
shortcut sitting on your desktop somewhere.

Right click on the shortcut to bring up its property tab. Switch to
the Shortcut tab if it isn't already showing. Now look under run.
Unless you messed with it is should show Normal window. A normal
window is something less then filling your entire monitor screen.

Click on the little down pointing arrow. Changing to maximize means
everytime your click on the shortcut IE7 will open in a full window
taking up your entire desktop. Changing to minimize means it opens,
but only loads as a icon on your Task Bar at the bottom of your

This behavior works for nearly EVERY application or feature in
Windows. Just right click, properites on whatever the object is, then
look for the run option and change as you like.

You can get fancier. Open IE7 in its minimized view, (the second icon)
at the top right of its Title Bar. Now carefully drag a corner of the
window out and down to make the size of the window larger. Drag in
towards the center to make it smaller.

Windows is suppose to "remember" this new size and should conform to
make the window the application you just changed open in a window of
this new size until you change it again. It doesn't always.

If that didn't answer your question and you really mean the size of
child windows as you explorer the web with a browser and click on some
embedded link that spawns another windows that's often smaller and to
the right and partially over your current browser window that's
something else. Ask again for more details if that's what you mean.


every-time fullscreen could have never been possible.


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