Event ID 2017



I have a Win XP I am using as a file server, it is part of a small business
workgroup. I have had to reboot the system the last two days because I was
getting an error message "there is not enough storage space to support that
command" I went through my system event log and I saw the following error,
however if I click on the link to provide more information it says there is
no information.

"The server was unable to allocate from the system nonpaged pool because the
server reached the configured limit for nonpaged pool allocations."

Believiing it is a pagefile issue I have temporarly increase the size of my

John John

Did you add new or upgrade/update any software lately? The error might
be, or is probably caused by an application not releasing or
re-allocating memory correctly. Maybe this can help:

Using Performance Monitor to Identify a Pool Leak

Also, check NonPagedPoolSize entry at:

HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management

The value should be set to 0 (zero).



John ~
I have not add any new software to the XP box, I have put a netgear
switch(GigaBit) in place because we have added another server in the server
room and there where not enough drops to support two servers.

John John

Adding a switch should not make any difference to this, I don't think
that would be the problem, but maybe when you added the switch you
changed another setting by mistake. Other than using Perfmon to monitor
the Pool I don't know how one would find the cause of the problem. You
can also monitor the Server Object Pool Counters to see if anything
there looks amiss, specifically the Pool Nonpaged Failures and the Pool
Paged Failures, if you get values of 1 or more on these counters you
probably don't have enough RAM in the machine.

Other than that these might help:

Note: Giving more memory resources to the Lanmanager may have adverse
effect on overall performance, it may deprive other applications or
drivers of needed memory resources, use caution if you change this value!

Are any other errors showing in the Event Log?



I was seeing a warning event #2022, Just to let you know I have taken the
switch and the other server temporarly offline while I am troubleshooting
this problem. Since the switch and the server have been disconnected from
the network I have not had this error. I am going to travel to the site of
the servers and try putting a splitter in the line and watch what happens.

When I added the switch I make no adjustment or tweak any setting, I have
left system in a basic default system.

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