Error 80070103



There was an update waiting for me to install today, but when i tried to
install it i got an error 80070103. What is it ? how to overcome it ?

Alexander Suhovey

From Windows Update Error Codes:

Error: 80070103
Description: Error_No_More_Items
Details: Windows has determined that the selected driver is not the best
driver for your machine.



Respectfully, browse the "Windows Update" Forum for locating the resolution
for the Error message that you referenced.
Life is Wonderful while using Vista solo !

Posting & Painting
"Painting, n.: The art of protecting flat surfaces from the weather, and
exposing them to the critic."

Ambrose Bierce


I would think that no more "browsing" was necessary, since Alexander
provided this quite concise description:
"Error: 80070103
Description: Error_No_More_Items
Details: Windows has determined that the selected driver is not the best
driver for your machine."

Comprehension issues, again?


I got the same error and understand the response. Question though, why does Windows update tell you there's an update and then determine that there is no need for the update since you already have the latest driver? Seems kinda dumb - .NET Developer Portal of Choice


Hi: This Onboard Intel Q965 Video card requires a manual install from within
the Device Manager - only! This Intel exe file must be extracted after a
download, firstly, then installed from within the Device Manager in Vista,
only! It cannot be installed from a program exe file download even from Intel
Corporation at all. Thanks. Xenophon.

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