downloaded jpeg's not recognized


Dave Sullivan

I download pictures and they show up as "jpeg". None of
my programs, (Windows or third party) will recognize them
as an image file unless I rename them to "JPG" (removing
the "e"). I've been looking for a solution to this for
some time now. It's more of an annoyance than it is a
problem, but it's got me stumped.

Anyone with a solution for me?

John Inzer

You may need to do some editing in your registry...
carefully read the following article first before proceeding:

Information About Editing the Registry;EN-US;256986#Topic2

".jpg extension may be incorrect in registry"

Go to...Start / Run...

Type in "regedit" (without the quotes)...OK.

In your registry editor...drill down to:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\image/jpeg

What is entered at "Extension"? (should be: .jpg)
(don't change anything...just observe)

Also you might check:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\image/pjpeg

What is entered at "Extension"? (should be: .jpg)

If the *Extensions* are incorrect, changing them to .jpg
should solve your problem.

To make the change...

Left click "Extension" to select it.

With "Extension" selected...go to...Edit / Modify...

Replace the text in the "Value data" field with
".jpg" (without the quotes)...OK.

Close the registry editor....File / Exit.


Thanks John,

One of the extentions were wrong. And easy enough to
correct. Thanks again! =]

John Inzer

Dave said:
Thanks John,

One of the extentions were wrong. And easy enough to
correct. Thanks again! =]
You're welcome.

Thanks for the update.

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