deleting history does not clear down all url's



can someone tell me how I can clear url history down for
some url's.

I go into tools and delete history etc/ when I them type
in a url in the address field old entries that I deleted
appear. i.e if I type www.t the system automatically

how do I stop this



Alan has already provided the answer, but to be more specific here goes.
There are two options here. Both are in internet options/properties dialog

1) On the CONTENT tab in internet options there is an "autocomplete" button
on the Personal information dialog of the Content tab. Click that button. A
dialog box which says "autocomplete settings" appears. Uncheck the box for
web addresses. That will eliminate all "dropdown" addresses from appearing
if for instance you highlight an address in the address bar and then type a
letter in. OK out.

2) On the advanced tab there is "use inline autocomplete for web addresses".
Uncheck that one. (this is unnecessary if you do what Alan and I mentioned
in the CONTENT tab.

3) there is a "use inline auto complete in windows explorer". This one is
different and has to do with other functions than let's say on a google
search engine page.

The inline autocomplete is "subservient" to the content tab autocomplete. If
the content tab one is disabled the advanced tab "use inline auto......"
becomes irrelevant.

HTH - Post back to this thread.
(e-mail address removed)


I have the similar problem.
i did all i can think of like Clear History, Uncheck those autocompletation
boxes.. etc. etc.
but then the URLs will still appear in my history tab.
i used to have the hourglass waiting around 10secs b4 the History folder is
cleared whereby now, when ever i
click Clear History, it doesn't seem to be working, as if there's nothing to
but the URLs are all still there.
it troubles me and i surfed alot and i like my comp to be cleared and
cleaned after each day of surfing.

hope someone can solve my problem.
thanks in adva



Sometimes It is better to start your own thread anew. then it can be
addressed by many rather than one, and on an old thread at that.

First, click on the little box to the left. I take that back, I see you are
using OE as your newsreader. OK then, perform a search using edit>find>in
this newsgroup. Type in "history" (without the quotes), I guarantee 100's
will show up.

Let me suggest for the moment though:
1) CLOSE your browser when clearing history.
2) control panel>internet options> clear history.

If this still does not clear the web sites from the explorer history pane on
the left side of the browser, then you've a bigger problem. see
history will not clear

History-internet explorer

Sandi Hardmeiers site - history

Take a look and good luck

(e-mail address removed)

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