Cut and paste



I have the same problem from today 22/04 of nt being able to paste into emails.

Is there some update that has triggered this for either Vista or Windows Mail?

Most inconvenient.



When Windows Mail crashes it does not give an error code. Would there be an
error code recorded somehwere else?

Gary VanderMolen

I just tried copy & paste in both WM and Windows Live Mail, and it worked fine.
I have all the latest updates.

Which antivirus are you running? Perhaps it received an update that makes it
less compatible.


I am pasting text from Wordperfect as I have bene doing without problem for
many years. I have rebooted.

Gary VanderMolen

Sorry, I have no clue what may have caused this problem or how to fix it.
The problem does not seem to be very widespread, or we'd be inundated
with similar trouble reports here. Have you installed IE8 recently?


I'm having the same problem with cut/copy & paste from Word 97 into Vista's
windows mail. I received an update 2 weeks ago, and I belive this is the
first time I've tried the function since. Call me paranoid, but is this a
strong-arm tactic by Gates&Co to get me to buy a word upgrade?


I also experience cut & paste problem
it may be
any other solutions out there


I am having the same problem how bazzare! copy and pasting invoices is a
large part of my job and having to type the same thing over and over is
crazy. Please help!!!!!

Gary VanderMolen

Sorry, we don't know of a fix at this time. All you can do is attach the invoice
as an attachment. One user said he could paste text into the Cc address line,
and then cut & paste from there.
Have you installed IE8 recently?


No IE8 , I did receive alot of updates on 4-20-09 and ever since I have had
this problem. Please find a cure! I updated my virus protection to Norton 360
after the problems started thinking maybe I had a virus or worm on the
computer but it is still happening.

Gary VanderMolen

No, it's not a virus or a worm. Quite a few people started having the same
problem at about the same time, so we suspect it was one of the updates
that caused it. It probably wasn't one of the monthly Windows updates since
those were distributed on April 15th.
Can you tell us which updates you received on the 20th? Go to Windows Updates
and click on "View update history".


All of the following were recieved 4-20-09 Microsoft (KB951847), Windows
(KB915597), Security for wv (KB960803 Security for WV (KB952004) Windows
Junk mail (KB905866) w malicious removal tool (KB890830) security for wv
security for wv (KB959426) and security for ie7 (KB963027) I hope this helps
you find out what is wrong.

Gary VanderMolen

The one labeled "Security for IE7 (KB963027" has the most potential for
causing the cut & paste problem. Try uninstalling it, to see if that makes
a difference. I have not experienced this problem myself, and it does not
seem to be very common.


Gary , You are the man!!! I went in and uninstalled that update and This has
solved my problems, I can now copy and past to the email like I have done for
years!!! Thank you so much and tell the others this is the CURE!!!!!!!!!!!

Gary VanderMolen

You're very welcome. But see my other post of a few minutes ago.
Blocking or postponing Windows security updates is never a good policy
in the long run.

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