crashing programs



Why is this OS so unstable or reliable? This is not an upgrade but a brand
new HP a1730n with Vista. My sidebar crashes, IE crashes, don't try to
install Spysweeper, it will crash. Bitdefender crashed several times. This
is this nuts.



DW said:
Why is this OS so unstable or reliable? This is not an upgrade but a brand
new HP a1730n with Vista. My sidebar crashes, IE crashes, don't try to
install Spysweeper, it will crash. Bitdefender crashed several times. This
is this nuts.


I would contact HP about this. Vista is not unstable, at least not with
most. If HP sold the computer with Vista, it should be stable, or I
would blame HP. My Dell inspiron is seven months old and it works
perfectly. It has literally never crashed since I installed RC1 several
months ago, and now the released version. The only problem with it has
been with ZipGenius which I removed.


DW said:
Why is this OS so unstable or reliable? This is not an upgrade but a
new HP a1730n with Vista. My sidebar crashes, IE crashes, don't try to
install Spysweeper, it will crash. Bitdefender crashed several times.
is this nuts.

Sorry but it's not unstable. Although I have been running betas in the past,
I'm now running a clean install of Ultimate and I'm very pleased. I've
tweaked and modified it for weeks now. Installed third party software that
worked and tried to install some that didn't. I am constantly cleaning junk
files and the registry while I'm making it work and look the way I want it
to. During all this it has been the most stable Windows I've worked with yet
and I've worked with them all.

All of you quit bitching about it.

LG (Linixgirl) :)

Richard G. Harper

I am seeing no such problems (well, don't know about the added software,
I'll ASS-U-ME you are installing Vista ready versions), not on upgraded
hardware, not on new hardware.. Return your new computer for adjustment or

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
* NEW! Catch my blog ...
* PLEASE post all messages and replies in the newsgroups
* The Website -
* HELP us help YOU ...

Lang Murphy

From what I've seen in this NG I'd have to guess that the OEM's have not
done their homework very well. Clean installs of Vista Enterprise and
Ultimate on 3 or 4 different Dell model types here have resulted in rock
solid systems. I don't recall EVER seeing a system crash on any of these

I wouldn't be surprised if it's a licensing issue... OEM's are obligated to
put "Dopey-Writer" on their systems, regardless of how it plays with Vista,
so they do, and you suffer.

Chad Harris, a frequent poster in Vista NG's, both pro and con posts, has
made the point that OEM's are not distributing Vista DVD's with their
systems and what an abomination that is... I have to agree. If you got a new
system without a Vista DVD, then I would complain bitterly to your OEM and
if they're non-responsive, I would not buy another system from them. And I
am talking about a MS Vista DVD, not an OEM "Recovery DVD," which would,
most likely, install all the third party crap too.

Point being... if I had your system, with all it's problems, the first thing
I would try to rectify said problems would be a clean install from a MS
Vista DVD. NOT an HP Recovery DVD, unless that recovery DVD lets one choose
which third party apps will be installed... which, of course, should be
NONE... good luck with that...



Frankly, that is not a surprise here -- most major OEM installs of XP
were sloppy things -- including lots of chaff and otherwise configured

With a New OS, this is going to be even more the case for quite a


Unlike most of the other responders to this post, I did an upgrade install of
Vista, so inherited a few leftover problems from XP. Nevertheless, I've found
Vista very stable. Spysweeper, which you mention specifically, runs very
well. CA Antivirus, by contrast, caused horrendous problems. If you have a
new system, I would strongly recommend taking the matter up with HP. The
problem is NOT with Vista.


Well... my point exactly...A number of us Novell sysops have t-shirts -- we are the sysops who say
Fdisk. <smile>


I don't wish to keep this going in a bad direction but would like to voice my
opinion. I also beta tested and know of the problems the beta's had with 3rd
party apps and drivers. With my RTM version I had very few if any problems
until recently. This is a clean install on a 200GB HD. Worked well for a
while then suddenly a BSOD every three days or so. Once that settled back
down, IE would crash each day once or twice. The side bar crashes once or
twice per day, some 3rd party gadgets hage, I have remove all but one that
seems to work ok. Services just stop working now and again and all this on a
custom built system. My index is only 2.0 with over a gig of ram, and a
fairly decent vid card. As for CA, unlike the person that has had issues,
I've not had one problem with it. In fact I have a Not For Resale copy that I
plan to install tonight and see how it works. It is eTrust Antivirus r8, I'm
told it will work on Vista. We shall see. I'm not saying Vista is unstable
however most of the the issues I have had so far are infact OS related or
apps within the OS and not 3rd party stuff, with the exception of IE7 which
is having problems with add-on stuff. My beef is with McAfee supposedly for
Vista. It is intrusive, causes many apps to hang and generaly runs the way it
wants and not the way I need it to run. For example, I set the virus scanner
to run at 2:00 AM while I am fast asleep. Does it do it? NooT. It waits until
I'm hard at work like around 10:00 AM and starts a scan slowing down the
whole computer. See ya later McAfee, much later.

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