

Mr jennie

I'm running XP home and have recently done a repair install from my XP

now I'm getting a few strange errors

I have office 97 on the system but there is a problem with outlook, I
tried to run the setup and got the following popup window

config.nt the system file is not suitable for running MS-DOS and
Microsoft windows applications.
choose close to terminate the application

with close or ignore

The set up won't run and I get the same result in add and remove
programs and some older dos programs I'm sure used to run.

Can any body help?


Mr jennie

I did a search and found a solution which re-expanded several files to
system 32 but I still have some problems (it's asking me to re-install
comm.drv now)

John Thomas Smith


Mr jennie


I found that and it has worked for the initial error and the DOS

Outlook still won't run but now I'm guessing that the repair install
didn't replace all of the files is system32.

if I can't fix it I may have to spend a day doing a full reinstall of
the complete system

Thanks again for your help

Mr jennie

Thanks, I found a fix but I still have other problems so may have to
do a full reinstall

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