Can't Uninstall USB 2.0 Driver



I just did a clean reinstall of XP. Well, the readme file provided with the
Intel MB CD said that I'd have to go to Intel's site for the USB Driver and
USB Support files. What it did not tell me was that the support files were
actually a patch for XP which must be loaded before the driver is loaded. Not
knowing this, I loaded the driver first. Now, I'm trying to uninstall the
driver but can't. I can see the driver in the "Add or Remove Programs" window
but when I click on the "Uninstall" button, the screen blinks but nothing
else happens. How can I successfully uninstall this USB 2.0 driver so that I
can install the patch to XP?


I just did a clean reinstall of XP. Well, the readme file provided with the
Intel MB CD said that I'd have to go to Intel's site for the USB Driver and
USB Support files. What it did not tell me was that the support files were
actually a patch for XP which must be loaded before the driver is loaded. Not
knowing this, I loaded the driver first. Now, I'm trying to uninstall the
driver but can't. I can see the driver in the "Add or Remove Programs" window
but when I click on the "Uninstall" button, the screen blinks but nothing
else happens. How can I successfully uninstall this USB 2.0 driver so that I
can install the patch to XP?

That's what I call a 'gotcha' :)

Try 2 uninstall driver in Device Manager then reboot into
safe mode, install all u need 2, and reboot into XP.


Any advise given is my attempt to show appreciation for all
the excellent help I've received here but I'm no MVP so it
may only apply NUGS (Normally, Usually, Generally, Sometimes :)


Thanks, Larry.

Sounds somewhat risky given my skills which are not altogether useless.
However, I would like for someone else who reads this entry to confirm what
you've advised before I attempt it.

Any one else care to confirm what Larry has suggested?


However, I would like for someone else who reads this entry to confirm what
you've advised before I attempt it.

Any one else care to confirm what Larry has suggested?

Google search for posts in this NG with usb2 yields entries

plus lots more. Ur problem & almost all problems are NOT

All nVidea drivers r best installed this way & I/O to disk
is reset to Ultra nnn this way 2.

U r wise to be cautious tho- I am neither a Regular nor a
MVP and hence am not always right but seldom wrong! :)


Any advise given is my attempt to show appreciation for all
the excellent help I've received here but I'm no MVP so it
may only apply NUGS (Normally, Usually, Generally, Sometimes :)

Lil' Dave

Clean install XP. Install the motherboard drivers. Ignore the USB 2.0
requirement for now. Install SP1 at a minimum, preferrably SP2 from the MS

Once done, and if you have burner and burning software for burning an ISO
source image to CD, you might consider slipstreaming SP2 with the XP install
CD. Google for autostreamer.

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