can't send email error: 0x800C013E



Can no longer send email. worked find for 3 months. Receive this error
message: An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL):
No, Error Number: 0x800C013E. What's odd is that it shows Port: 0. Outgoing
mail should be Port: 25.
I Have disabled email scanning and firewall in McAfee.
did a System Restore to 3 weeks earlier did not correct problem.

R. C. White

Hi, Botany Bay.
What's odd is that it shows Port: 0. Outgoing
mail should be Port: 25.

Did your port setting get changed somehow? What does it say at Tools |
Accounts | <your ISP> | Advanced?

Do you have a duplicate (or near-duplicate) second Account for this server?

Have you tried deleting and recreating this Account? (It might be safer to
create the new Account first, then delete the old one if the new one works.)

R. C. White, CPA
San Marcos, TX
(e-mail address removed)
Microsoft Windows MVP
(Running Windows Live Mail beta in Vista Ultimate x64)

Gary VanderMolen

The Port: 0 error is a dead give-away of damage from an invasive
antivirus program. Disabling McAfee is not sufficient. You must
completely uninstall it.

Gary VanderMolen


Thanks very much. Will I need to do anything else, system restore, or fiddle
with Windows Mail settings, after uninstalling the antivirus?

Gary VanderMolen

Afterwards, verify and correct (if necessary) the Outgoing
mail server port number; it should be port 25. You can
check this by going to Tools, Accounts, select the account,
Properties, Advanced.
If Windows Mail still can't send, you may have to recreate
that account from scratch, then delete the old account.

Once your email is working again, download and install a
compatible antivirus, such as the free version of Avast:

Gary VanderMolen


Thanks for all your help. I created the new account and that got a new email
through. Apparently I had an email stuck in the outbox that appeared to be
blocking all outgoing messages. Winmail sent the message on the new account
but did not send the messages from the old account. I was able to delete all
emails in the outbox except one. I used the WMutil by Stephen L. Cochran to
clean out the inbox . That seems to have solved
the problem. I don't know how that one message got corrupted (McAfee?) but I
went ahead and uninstalled the antivirus anyway. Again, thanks for

Gary VanderMolen

Thanks for the feedback.

Gary VanderMolen

Botany Bay said:
Thanks for all your help. I created the new account and that got a new email
through. Apparently I had an email stuck in the outbox that appeared to be
blocking all outgoing messages. Winmail sent the message on the new account
but did not send the messages from the old account. I was able to delete all
emails in the outbox except one. I used the WMutil by Stephen L. Cochran to
clean out the inbox . That seems to have solved
the problem. I don't know how that one message got corrupted (McAfee?) but I
went ahead and uninstalled the antivirus anyway. Again, thanks for



Thanks a lots. As soon as I used the WMutil by Stephen L. Cochran, the
problem solved instantly. Thanks again!

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