Can not send email - one more case with port 0 -urgent and thx



Any one can help to settle ?

An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C013E

Gary VanderMolen

The part of the error message that says "Port: 0" almost always indicates
interference from an antivirus program. Which antivirus are you running?

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

tracy said:
Any one can help to settle ?

An unknown error has occurred. Protocol: SMTP, Port: 0, Secure(SSL): No,
Error Number: 0x800C013E

Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude EML
files from the scan. It provides no protection not provided by the regular
resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled. The latest version of Trend's
anti-virus seems to be causing problems too.

Leif Courtenay

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE said:
Email scanning should be turned off in any anti-virus. Also exclude EML
files from the scan. It provides no protection not provided by the regular
resident protection.
Besides that, McAfee and Norton are not compatible with Windows Mail and
Outlook Express and should be uninstalled. The latest version of Trend's
anti-virus seems to be causing problems too.

Leif Courtenay


I've got same problem. Have disabled email scanning in Trend antivirus but
doesn't seem to help.

Any ideas????

Gary VanderMolen

Disabling email scanning in Trend Micro antivirus is seldom sufficient.
Uninstall the antivirus, then try Windows Mail again. Let us know what happens.


A recent version of the Trend antivirus program tends to bring such
problems back eventually if you keep it installed, so remember where
to find that fix in case you need to try it again. If it won't work again,
you may need to try the Vista SP1 update, even though it takes
hours longer to install, or the WORKAROUND section at:

Leif Courtenay said:
Hi Gary

Thanks for reply. Bit nervous about uninstalling my AV, but just tried
fix and all mail has now
out of outbox, and I can now send new mail fine :)

Hope this helps all the others out there with same problem...

Gary VanderMolen

That fix treats one of the
symptoms (stuck emails), but it does not remove the root cause of
corruption in Windows Mail (non-compatible antivirus programs).
Keep that in mind the next time you have a strange problem with
Windows Mail.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

Leif Courtenay said:
Hi Gary

Thanks for reply. Bit nervous about uninstalling my AV, but just tried this
fix and all mail has now shifted
out of outbox, and I can now send new mail fine :)

Hope this helps all the others out there with same problem...


You're welcome.

Choose a time when you have hours available - it only took me about
2 hours since I had already installed most of the previous updates,
but it looked like 8 hours would be more like it for someone with
few if any updates already installed.

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