cant connect to ftp sites on IE to download files


bboy 2000

Some files like drivers and updates i need, you need to
click on a link which usually starts a download but some
files like the saitek gamepad drivers, you click on the
link and it says etc but doesnt
download and goes to an error site instead, if i turn off
the firewall and type in the ftp site in the address it
tries to connect and comes with a message either saying
access denied or connection not established, does any1
know how i can download off ftp's again? thnx

Robert Aldwinckle

The problem with that particular site seems to be that
anonymous login is not allowed.

Simulating your issue with
I found more success after unchecking

Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility)

(Options, Advanced tab,type us twice)


I've done the passive ftp thing on the internet options
but it still didnt work and what do you mean by (type us
twice)??? and is the the option step on the internet
options? thnx

Robert Aldwinckle

I've done the passive ftp thing on the internet options
but it still didnt work and what do you mean by (type us
twice)??? and is the the option step on the internet
options? thnx

I use keyboard shortcuts for navigation and documentation.
Tools, Options, Advanced tab can be entered by pressing:
Within the Advanced tab you can press the first letter or the
first two letters of any item in that dialog. Pressing u only
takes you to Underline links but pressing u and s quickly
would take you to Use inline AutoComplete. Doing it again
would take you to the option that I suggested that you uncheck.

So, assuming you have unchecked that, what isn't working?
FTP folder display at the site you mentioned or at the Microsoft site?
If it is the Microsoft site be aware that you have to use the Login As...
command with Anonymous as the user and an E-mail address
as its password. After you try to open the ftp: URL the Login As...
command is available in the File menu. (Alt-F,A,Alt-a)

BTW it may help you to understand what is going on by doing a trial
FTP connection from a command window. For example, that way
you should see proof that anonymous login is not available on that
site you first tried.

Also, in case you haven't thought of it, their web site seems to have a lot
of drivers available. Is the one you were looking for available here?

< >

That assumes you would answer the prompt for country with USA.
Otherwise drill down to the equivalent page from < >




The drivers I needed were there, but i had to get a friend
of mine to download and send it to me because i couldnt,
thats the problem lol, i download the files from my pc for
some reason, the problem i have now is that i now need to
update my bios files in which i have downloaded a file
called @BIOS.

Its a little program that you go through to update bios, i
go to update bios, choose my server and guess what happens.

Little message saying "FTP session terminated" meaning I
cannot access any kind of ftp site, not even ones where i
have to click a link or have to type in the address.

i just wanna know how i get past this annoying point, i
need to update my bios and other stuff so i can get my
graphics card working, stop my comp from freezing and stop
my comp from restarting 3 - 5 times b4 it loads lol.

so all i wanna know is how do i enable my comp to dl off
ftp and access from links and from program server stuff.

thank u for ur time lol, sorry for all the writing lol

Robert Aldwinckle

i just wanna know how i get past this annoying point, i
need to update my bios and other stuff

Many support sites offer other options than downloading.
(E.g. what about machines which aren't connected at all?)
Have you looked for alternatives or contacted the support help
and asked them for help?

Find out if you can download the file independently of that program.
If so, you could ask your friend again to do the download for you.

You aren't giving us enough details to really help you much.
Remember, your words have to substitute for what you know
or our eyes would notice.

Good luck


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