Canopus/1394 screws up network addresses


Ollen Mullis

Running XP Pro, wirelessly connected to LinkSys Wireless-
B router using DHCP. Recently decided to play around with
digital video. Installed a VIA 1394 FW card and Canopus
analog-digital video converter (ADVC-50), but initially
these 2 components were NOT connected to one another (I
didn't have the right cable). Network worked. Bought FW
cable to connect 1394 card to ADVC-50, and XP recognizes
ADVC-50 but my IP addressing gets all screwed around,
going from (assigned
by DHCP) to and
showing as a "Private Address" or some such. Only way I
can undo the mess is to unplug 1394/ADVC cable and do
System Restore (simply rebooting w/components unplugged
isn't enough). Have emailed Canopus but as yet no reply.
Can anyone tell me how to fix this... to keep my IP
addresses from getting hosed? THanks.

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