blaster again


matthew cox

i finally stopped getting blaster (15 times) after
applying the fix from microsft about 15 times and the
symantec fix the same amount after the windows fix now my
pc is running right and it has not passed through my
firewall again since do i need to keep my firewall on now
that the fixes have finally worked and i have not
received the messege again (that norton antivirus 2003
has removed the blaster worm after being on net for like
10 mins and then rpc error begins again) so is it safe if
i disable the firewall now because the fix from microsoft
should mean that blaster should have no effect no am i

Ken Blake

matthew cox said:
i finally stopped getting blaster (15 times) after
applying the fix from microsft about 15 times and the
symantec fix the same amount after the windows fix now my
pc is running right and it has not passed through my
firewall again since do i need to keep my firewall on now
that the fixes have finally worked and i have not
received the messege again (that norton antivirus 2003
has removed the blaster worm after being on net for like
10 mins and then rpc error begins again) so is it safe if
i disable the firewall now because the fix from microsoft
should mean that blaster should have no effect no am i

The purpose of the firewall is not to protect you against the
blaster worm, it's to protect aginst many different kinds of
intrusions, or which Blaster is only one example. With the patch,
you are now protected against blaster, but without a firewall,
you are vulnerable to many threats--some of which presently
exist, and others to come in the future.

Running without a firewall is foolhardy. Why would you want to
disable it?

matt cox

-----Original Message-----

The purpose of the firewall is not to protect you against the
blaster worm, it's to protect aginst many different kinds of
intrusions, or which Blaster is only one example. With the patch,
you are now protected against blaster, but without a firewall,
you are vulnerable to many threats--some of which presently
exist, and others to come in the future.

Running without a firewall is foolhardy. Why would you want to
disable it?

Ken Blake
Please reply to the newsgroup


I would like to disable the firewall because the damn
thing slows my ftp transfer rate whn i am being an ftp
server on win xp

Danny Mingledorff

If you have the appropriate MS patches and AV up to date, you ought to be
safe from blaster, but why disable your firewall? You never know when the
next variant will come along and running a firewall is just good common
sense these days.


I would NEVER be without a firewall for any reason. The
firewall isn't going to prevent you from getting a virus
again. Only keeping your virus software up to date will
do that; daily. The firewall will keep out intruders. It
dosn't matter if you are using a dial-up or broadband
connection, you need a firewall if your going to get on
the internet.


Since you are running without a firewall, you sill soon learn the folly of
your ways. You are protected against a single worm, not all worms, viruses,
trojans, etc. Your smugness and arrogance will be your downfall. You
deserve the problems you are inviting.

You are a loser.


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