Bad Pool Caller error



Trying to start Windows XP, I get the Blue Screen error that says "Bad Pool
Caller." It says
STOP: 0x000000C2 (0x00000060, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)

I have SP 2, and have for a long time before this started happening. No
recently installed software or hardware, either.

System Restore won't come up for me, and I can only start in safe mode.
Would love a solution that doesn't result in resorting to the total system
recovery, blanking out all my data.

Mark L. Ferguson

A bad paging file for virtual memory is often the cause of that error. I would suggest an intensive check of the disk for errors.

Boot to the XP setup CD, and press 'r' for recovery console, run the command : CHKDSK /R



I have run the chkdsk, but the BSOD still comes up. Any other suggestions
would be much appreciated.

Pavel Lebedinsky

Try disabling services like antivirus or anything else that
might have components running in kernel mode.

Can you boot into VGA mode? What about safe mode
with networking?

If you can see the network, make sure you have Windows
Error Reporting enabled. After you reboot from the crash
you will be prompted to submit an error report. This will
tell you if it's a known problem.

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