Average movie size



I'm new to this and I want to move my home movies from 8mm to DVD. So I was wondering, if I take a standard 2 hour tape and make a MM2 DV-AVI movie from it to burn to the DVD format (MPEG2, right?), how much disk space does that take?



Well, the big one is the DV-AVI file that will take about 25 GB.

Yes, it'll need to be converted to MPEG2 for a DVD. The size will depend on
the compression codec used and could be as much as 8 GB.

And then the computer needs elbow room for things like temporary files, so
50 GB of free space should be about right to work your 2 hour video.

Movie Maker 2: www.papajohn.org
PhotoStory 2: www.photostory.papajohn.org
Krytan said:
I'm new to this and I want to move my home movies from 8mm to DVD. So I
was wondering, if I take a standard 2 hour tape and make a MM2 DV-AVI movie
from it to burn to the DVD format (MPEG2, right?), how much disk space does
that take?


Thanks. So I won't be able to get this on one DVD then, huh? Probably have to split it between to for the 8GB size or can it be compressed enough to maintain decent quality but fit on one?

Graham Hughes, MVP Digital Media

Depends on your authoring software. If you have something good like u-lead
dvd workshop, then using ac-3 audio compression you would be able to get 2
hours on a dvd without too much quality loss. I would not recommend this for
people starting with a digital source, but the quality of your source
footage is not going to be the best (because it's analogue, no disrespect
intended). If the software yo have is not that advanced, then splitting it
in to two 1 hour movies would yield better results.

Graham Hughes
Krytan said:
Thanks. So I won't be able to get this on one DVD then, huh? Probably
have to split it between to for the 8GB size or can it be compressed enough
to maintain decent quality but fit on one?


I've looked over all the differents posts on this subject and while this one
closest resembles my issue it does not quite answer my question yet. So I'll
share it with the experts for your input please. I have the these VHS tapes
each with shows that last about 1 hour and 45 mins (actual show time). My
project is to save these shows to DVD (SL 4.7g) but I keep on hearing/reading
one can only fit about 1 hour of good quality video on these.
So, is there a way to actually make it fit at all, using any of the known
programs (nero, roxio, mm) with minimum possible loss of quality?...How do
folks that copy movie dvd's do it?....Perhaps make 2 DVD's of 1 hour each, as
I read also?...Or just wait for the double layer DVD's to become more $
accessible and fit it nicely in there?...
Sorry for the long message but thought the better I present the issue the
better the reply. You help is greatly appreciated.

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