Attachment failed...Internet Explorer.6...Windows xp-SP1..



I am trying to attach msword hotmail or yahoo mail...after i
browse and attach the file...nothing happen..
just showing in progress......but last week it was ok..

Adam T. Bryner

How big is the file?
Are you giving the file enough time to upload?

The upload speeds of your internet connection in normally half of your
download speed. So, when uploading give plenty of time for the file to


Hello thanks for ur reply..440 KB ...and even if i give 10 hours is same..
really i checked...please help...

Adam T. Bryner

1.. Click on "Attach Files."
2.. Click the "Browse" button.
3.. This will open a window that will allow you to search for the file you
wish to attach. Once you find it, click on "Open."
4.. Once your file is listed next to the "Browse" button, click "Attach
Files," located toward the bottom of the page. The file name(s) will be
added to the Attached Files table. Please note: If you click "Done" before
you see the file name in the Attached Files table, your file will not be
5.. When you see the file name in the Attached Files table, click the
"Done" button.
6.. If you are attempting to attach a file to an email message and receive
an error message that states either "there was a problem uploading your
documents" or "your system made a request that the browser could not
understand," it is most likely the file you're trying to attach is open and
you will need to save then close this file before it will attach.
If your browser is hanging or the file does not appear to be attaching after
a number of minutes, one or all of the follwing may be the cause:

a.. Slow connection speeds or browser issues - In this case, we recommend
that you try using a different browser (if you are using IE, try switching
to Netscape, or vice versa), and try uploading your files at less busy times
of the day.


Oooo...After the 4th step...You see..Attaching file...
"Please wait while we attach the file(s) to your message..."

that is continues....
i am using same connection ...for the last 8 months..
if i try any time the same response...
i am able to to send problem...
i reinstalled (uninstalled ie then reinstalled from my cd)
something wrong...

Please please help me...

Jan Il

Hi ismail :)
Oooo...After the 4th step...You see..Attaching file...
"Please wait while we attach the file(s) to your message..."

that is continues....
i am using same connection ...for the last 8 months..
if i try any time the same response...
i am able to to send problem...
i reinstalled (uninstalled ie then reinstalled from my cd)
something wrong...

Please please help me...

As this is a recent problem, perhaps you might try clearing your Temporary
Internet Files:

Safely Delete the Temporary Internet Files

If these steps do not resolve your problem, or you need help with the above,
please post back to this thread with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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that's why they're so contagious.

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Jan Il

Hi ismail :)
Many thanks........
"Safely Delete the Temporary Internet Files"

This help i delete login name folder...restart then
again login.....Oooo Tttttttttttttthanksssssss.

You're very welcome! Glad to hear you were able to resolve your problem.
Good job!

Thank you for posting back and letting us know what worked for you, and for
the benefit of other readers who might have a similar problem. :)

Jan :)
Smiles are meant to be shared,
that's why they're so contagious.

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