ATI Radeon + Word ;(



I installed the newest drivers for ATI Radeon 9200 SE, and my MS Word
sometimes crashes... Sometiemes it's really unpredictable. If you have
Catalyst soft installed and VRE ( or something like this ) turn on your
monitor will only turn off, you won't see a blue screen but if you turn off
this option off you will. But the problem still stays what can I do to make
the Word work correctly for everytime? i don't like this Omegadrivers ( with
them it seems everything is ok, but when I scroll the website the text
doesn't scroll it flows I hate this... ). Any ideas ? ( beside come back to
nvidia )


it's a driver issue, the ATI chipset on the 9200 se hates XP.

to verify that it's a driver issue, boot to safemode and try running


it's a driver issue, the ATI chipset on the 9200 se hates XP.
to verify that it's a driver issue, boot to safemode and try running
On Omegadrivers it works fine ( so it must be a driver issue ! ). I honestly
don't understand the ATI politics they are making bad drivers for a most
popular system... ?

R. C. White

Hi, Jarod.

In addition to the official ATI support, there is an very active
peer-to-peer Usenet newsgroup:

There are many very experienced users who hang out here. They may have
encountered and conquered this problem and may be able to help you. They've
helped me several times in the past. (I currently run the ATI Radeon
All-In-Wonder 9000 on my EPoX 8KDA3+/AMD Athlon 64 computer with WinXP Pro.
The software often complains about silly stuff, like no DMA on my HDs (? Of
course they are using DMA!?), but generally works well with some tweaking.)


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