
Yes I have this problem where I keep getting this error in the event viewer,:
can anyone explain to me what this is and if and how I can fix it?
What happens is the computer reboots and I send the error report and it
tells me its a error caused by a device driver, Please if anyone can
help,because this is getting annoying, thanks in advance for the help

Ron Martell

Yes I have this problem where I keep getting this error in the event viewer,:
can anyone explain to me what this is and if and how I can fix it?
What happens is the computer reboots and I send the error report and it
tells me its a error caused by a device driver, Please if anyone can
help,because this is getting annoying, thanks in advance for the help

We need a bit more information from the error itself.

Is your computer restarting itself automatically with this error? Open
Control Panel - System - Advanced and click on the Settings button in
the Startup and Recovery (bottom) section. In the Startup and
Recovery window click on the checkbox for "Automatically restart" to
clear it then click on Apply and OK as needed to exit.

Next time the error happens you should get a "Blue Screen Of Death"
STOP error message. If that happens then the information from the
error message, including the STOP code, the 4 parameter values
associated with it, and any file or module names mentioned will be a
direct clue as to the underlying cause of your problems. Post that
information back here.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


Ok I did it and now it is just for the wait till it happens,I will post what
I get,thanks


My pc had just rebooted and i have recieved this on the on the "blue screen
of death"
and the sop code is:STOP:0X0000000A
can you please tell me what this means and what i can do to fix it,i would
really appreciate it,thank you

Ron Martell

My pc had just rebooted and i have recieved this on the on the "blue screen
of death"
and the sop code is:STOP:0X0000000A
can you please tell me what this means and what i can do to fix it,i would
really appreciate it,thank you

First of all, it appears that you have made a mistake when you copied
the error message or in typing it. The 4th parameter value
(0X804DBE7) has only 7 characters (actually they are hexadecimal
digits) following the X and their should be 8. Please double check
this as this is the most important of the parameters for tracing the

From MVP Jim Eshelman's STOP errors web pages at

"Typically due to a bad driver, or faulty or incompatible hardware or
software. " and also "Technically, this error condition means that a
kernel-mode process or driver tried to access a memory location to
which it did not have permission, or at a kernel Interrupt ReQuest
Level (IRQL) that was too high."

In your specific instance the error originated at memory address
0X804DBE7 (?) (parameter 4) and it was trying to read from memory
address 0XF35EAB84 (parameter 1).

The next step is to determine which device driver or Windows component
is using the address shown in parameter 4 (once we have the correct
value for this parameter that is). The easiest way that I know of to
do this is with the PSTAT utility, which may or may not be present on
your computer. Check this by opening a Command Prompt window (Start -
Run - CMD) and entering the following command:


If PSTAT is not on your computer you can download it free from
Microsoft. The download is called "Windows XP Service Pack 2 Support
Tools" and it is available from
With PSTAT installed on your computer the next step is to open a
Command Prompt window again (Start - Run - CMD) and generate a report
with PSTAT. Because you need to copy part of the information from
this report (and only part) it is best to create the report as a text
file. In the Command Prompt window enter the following command:


You may change C:\JUNK\ to whatever drive and folder that you want to
save the report into.

Now open the saved file in Notepad. Start - Run - NOTEPAD

Scroll down the file, about 80% of the way to the end of the file and
you will find a heading line:

ModuleName Load Addr Code Data Paged LinkDate

It is the information from this line to the end of the file that we
want to copy from this file and save as a separate file. Select the
block of text and copy it to the clipboard. Open a new notepad window
and paste the clipboard contents into it. Save this file under a
different name. I use PSTAT2.TXT and put it into the same C:\JUNK

Now launch Microsoft Excel and use File - Open to bring the PSTAT2.TXT
file into Excel. Excel will automatically parse the file into
columns. Once this is done use DATA - SORT to sort the entire
spreadsheet based on the value in Column B (Load Addr).

It is now a simple task to read down the addresses until you find the
last value that is less than the address where the error occurred.
That module (name in column A) is the prime suspect for the cause of
your error.

Note: If you do not have Excel installed on your computer you can
send me the pstat2.txt file as a email attachment (the address I use
here is a valid one) and I will check it out and post the results back

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


Hello Ron, sorry aout the fourth parameter it is 0x804DBE7B,I forgot to add
the B,ok and now i have another stop error it is:
win32k.sys-address BF802ADE base at BF800000,DATESTAMP 43446A58

I wanted to know what this is also cause i send error report to microsoft
and it says the same hing error caused by device driver,no how to fix this
too,and thank you so much for helping me,i reall do appreciate it,and once
again sorry about the mistake,i hope this helps you on helping me,thank you


Ron Martell

Hello Ron, sorry aout the fourth parameter it is 0x804DBE7B,I forgot to add
the B,ok and now i have another stop error it is:
win32k.sys-address BF802ADE base at BF800000,DATESTAMP 43446A58

I wanted to know what this is also cause i send error report to microsoft
and it says the same hing error caused by device driver,no how to fix this
too,and thank you so much for helping me,i reall do appreciate it,and once
again sorry about the mistake,i hope this helps you on helping me,thank you


Please disregard my last email.

For your first error message the address 0x804DBE7B points the finger
at ntoskrnl.exe which loads starting at 0x804D7000

One of the possible causes of this error is defective RAM.

Your second error message has the source address as parameter 3
(OxBF802ADE) which fingers win32k.sys loading at 0xBF800000

There are a number of reports of your second error also being related
to a RAM problem. Download one of the following memory testing
utilities and run it to check out the RAM in your computer.
Windows Memory Diagnostic

Also make sure that your computer is not overclocked in any way,
either by running the CPU at a speed that is higher than its factory
rated setting, or by "tweaking" the RAM parameters in the BIOS setup.

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service
Syberfix Remote Computer Repair

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."

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