Access Denied to a Private Folder on XP



My son made his college work folder private on the D: drive "My Documents".
OS at this time was Win XP Pro. Since then have reverted to XP Home but now
he can't get access to his own folder or any of his hard graft - "Access
Denied". Does anyone know a work-around for this apart from searching the
depths of his memory with black coffee and red eyes in the wee small hours!

TaurArian [MVP]

HOW TO: Take Ownership of a File or Folder in Windows XP

NOTE: You must be logged on to the computer using an account that has administrative
privileges. If you are running Windows XP Home Edition, in order to have access to
the Security tab, you must first start in Safe Mode and log on with an account that
has Administrative rights.

"Access is Denied" Error Message When You Try to Open a Folder;en-us;810881


Thanks for that! Solved the problem. One point of note though; tried the
"Access is denied" Error message solution first, however the checkbox "Use
simple file sharing (Recommended) is not present, I was however still able to
to take ownership within safe mode.

Thanks Again


My son made his college work folder private on the D: drive "My Documents".
OS at this time was Win XP Pro. Since then have reverted to XP Home but now
he can't get access to his own folder or any of his hard graft - "Access
Denied". Does anyone know a work-around for this apart from searching the
depths of his memory with black coffee and red eyes in the wee small hours!

Logon as Administrator (in Home you'll need to use Safe Mode for this)
and then take Ownership of those folders. Then you can reassing
access rights to them.

Don't know how to do any of this? It's all covered in Help and
Support from the Start Button.


Davmac said:
Thanks for that! Solved the problem. One point of note though; tried the
"Access is denied" Error message solution first, however the checkbox "Use
simple file sharing (Recommended) is not present, I was however still able to
to take ownership within safe mode.

With XP Home, that feature is only available in Safe Mode.

TaurArian [MVP]

Glad your problem is fixed.


Davmac said:
Thanks for that! Solved the problem. One point of note though; tried the
"Access is denied" Error message solution first, however the checkbox "Use
simple file sharing (Recommended) is not present, I was however still able to
to take ownership within safe mode.

Thanks Again

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