40Tude newsreader - is it searchable?


John S.

I've used FreeAgent as a newsreader for a long time - have a
dialup connection and read downloaded messages off line.

However, to me it's a big disadvantage being unable to search
through the saved messages in a group - you can search the
headers, and you can search within individual messages but you
have to open them first.

From comments made in this group I've been tempted to download
and use 40Tude but I would be grateful for comment from other
users about whether saved messages in a group can be searched.

(eg can I search through all the alt.comp.freeware messages I've
saved for the word "browser")

hope the request makes sense.


John S

Nicolaas Hawkins

I've used FreeAgent as a newsreader for a long time - have a
dialup connection and read downloaded messages off line.

However, to me it's a big disadvantage being unable to search
through the saved messages in a group - you can search the
headers, and you can search within individual messages but you
have to open them first.

From comments made in this group I've been tempted to download
and use 40Tude but I would be grateful for comment from other
users about whether saved messages in a group can be searched.

(eg can I search through all the alt.comp.freeware messages I've
saved for the word "browser")

hope the request makes sense.


John S

I believe that 40tude Dialog will do what you rewuire.


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.... When your pet bird sees you reading the newspaper, does he wonder why
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Al Klein

However, to me it's a big disadvantage being unable to search
through the saved messages in a group - you can search the
headers, and you can search within individual messages but you
have to open them first.

Ctrl-G - search within all messages at once without opening them
(eg can I search through all the alt.comp.freeware messages I've
saved for the word "browser")

Yep. (I assume you mean in the bodies - Ctrl-F will search in the
message list.)


John said:
I've used FreeAgent as a newsreader for a long time - have a
dialup connection and read downloaded messages off line.

However, to me it's a big disadvantage being unable to search
through the saved messages in a group - you can search the
headers, and you can search within individual messages but you
have to open them first.

Just in case you decide to try Xananews it can search within message
bodies also. However you will have had to download the message body to
your database.


mercoledì 14 giugno 2006 John S. ha scritto:
From comments made in this group I've been tempted to download
and use 40Tude but I would be grateful for comment from other
users about whether saved messages in a group can be searched.

Of course it can.
(eg can I search through all the alt.comp.freeware messages I've
saved for the word "browser")

Yep, just hit Ctrl+F (or menu Edit - Find...), click the "Article body pane"
tab and choose the options you want (you can even use regular expressions).
Just make sure to be on the first message of your messages view, because
Dialog searches downward from where you're on.
hope the request makes sense.

It does :)

You're welcome.


From comments made in this group I've been tempted to download
and use 40Tude but I would be grateful for comment from other

FYI, 40Tude Dialog is in continual beta. It is highly unlikely there will
ever be a non-beta version of this program.


FYI, 40Tude Dialog is in continual beta. It is highly unlikely there will
ever be a non-beta version of this program.

But it's still better than any other newsreader I've tried:)

Al Klein

FYI, 40Tude Dialog is in continual beta. It is highly unlikely there will
ever be a non-beta version of this program.

Like all other software. Have we seen a non-Beta version of Windows

John S.

From comments made in this group I've been tempted to download
and use 40Tude but I would be grateful for comment from other
users about whether saved messages in a group can be searched.

(eg can I search through all the alt.comp.freeware messages I've
saved for the word "browser")

Just following up my own post, thanks to the 40Tude users who
confirmed that it will do what I want (and for the suggestion
that Xananews will also).

Guess I will bite the bullet and try 40Tude. I'm becoming a bit
of a coward towards new software though (must be a sign of age)
as I find it takes me ages to become familiar with new
programmes, and the little tricks and shortcuts which you often
need to know about. This is why I value the comments of existing
users, rather than doing the "download and try it out" approach.

Thanks again,

John S

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