Zoom via Macro for WorkSheet to activate?




I have more worksheet in the workboock.
I wish the Application in another PC - wiht different
Monitor-resolution to opening. However in the sam

A.) Automatlically?

B.) Via macro (Button) in the defined Zoom, for all workSheet t

Have I any cance?
Thank you very much!


Hi Wergan,

I have placed a macro below that should hopefully do what you need. I
use the Zoom - Fit Selection functionality of Excel. (There are other
ways to achieve what you're doing but I think this is the simplest - you
don't need to check screen resolution this way.)

In this example I have assumed you want to be able to see columns 1>5.

If you assign this to a button then it will run whenever clicked, on the
activesheet. Alternatively, if you want it to run upon opening, you
should place a call to it in the Workbook_OPen event in ThisWorkbook,
having first made sure that the worksheet you need to work on is active.


Sub ZoomHowIWantIt()

Dim PreviousSelection As Range
Dim blnEventsEnabled As Boolean

With ActiveSheet
'Remember what was previously selected
Set PreviousSelection = Selection

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
blnEventsEnabled = Application.EnableEvents
Application.EnableEvents = False

'Set the range you want to be in the activewindow.
'I'm assuming you're more concerned about columns
'than rows
Range(.Columns(1), .Columns(5)).Select
ActiveWindow.Zoom = True
'return to previous selection
Application.EnableEvents = blnEventsEnabled

End With

Set PreviousSelection = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

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