zebra lp 2824 termal printer?



I have mentioned printer but how to print on him from code? I tried like POS
printer copy .txt to LPT port but don't work. I tried print test page- still
nothing. Any ideas?


Set the printer up as a generic/text only and send raw zpl

There's a bug in a Win2000 pre SP? G/T Driver where the first character is
truncated. I don't have a link, but you should be able to find on the MS


zpl is zebra's language for printing barcode labels on their printers.

You can't simply print "AAAA" on a label. You have to send the command to
print "AAAA" on the label.

You can buy a zpl manual from Zebra or try to find one on there site. I
have seen a downloadable manual. Not the easiest to find, but it's

Michael D. Ober

Here's the code I use for printing Bar Codes to our Zebra LP2844 printers.
It uses direct ZPL. According to Zebra's tech support, this is the only way
to print to their printers, even with the Zebra drivers installed.

Mike Ober.

Option Explicit
Option Compare Text

Public Property Get BarCodePort() As String
Dim p As Printer
BarCodePort = ""

For Each p In Printers
If p.DeviceName = "Zebra LP2844" Then
BarCodePort = p.Port
Exit For
End If
Next p
End Property

Public Sub PrintBarCode128A(s As String)
Dim Port As String
Dim fnum As Long

On Error GoTo errHandler
Port = BarCodePort
If Port <> "" Then
fnum = FreeFile(1)
Open Port For Output As fnum

' "" Send an initial string to prepare the printer
Print #fnum, ""
' N = Clear image buffer
Print #fnum, "N"
' Bp1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,"DATA" is a bar code
' p1 = Horizontal Start Position
' p2 = Vertical Start Position
' p3 = Rotation; 0 = no Rotation
' p4 = Bar Code Selection; 1A = Code 128A
' p5 = Narrow bar width in dots; p4=1A: 1-10
' p6 = Wide bar width in dots; 2-30; value doesn't matter for Code 128
' p7 = Bar Code Height in dots
' p8 = Print Human Readable code; B = yes; N = no
' "DATA" is the string to print
Print #fnum, "B190,30,0,1A,3,4,55,B,""" & s & """"
Print #fnum, "P1"
End If
Sleep 1000

On Error Resume Next
If fnum <> 0 Then Close #fnum
End Sub


Try either of 2 on command prompt

copy ../../../file.txt lpt1 ( Check which local port your printer is
attached to .)

print file.txt

and give the absolute path of the file if u are not at the location where
the file is.

you may try changin the file name by .zpl or .epl as is the type.


Try either of 2 on command prompt

copy ../../../file.txt lpt1 ( Check which local port your printer is
attached to .)

print file.txt

and give the absolute path of the file if u are not at the location where
the file is.

you may try changin the file name by .zpl or .epl as is the type.

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