Jack Vail
this is an error message on my wife's computer so I am not 100% clear on the
sequence of events that gave rise to this popup. Here are the machine config
details: running Windows XP SP3, IE7. Using PC-cillin Internet Security
2007. Also, this problem seemed to start after she upgraded to IE7 - one
thing I noticed is that the homepage for IE was changed to google.com.
Here is what I am seeing: A popup arising from an icon (a red circle with a
white x) in the task tray indicating that the computer has a spyware
infection. I suspect this popup is not generated by a Microsoft
product/service because there is a spelling error in the body of the error
message: "It recommended you use special antispyware tools to *pervent* data
loss." (*'s added by me). I am not able to right click on the icon to
display properties tab or shortcut menu.
I ran PC-cillin and removed any spyware and/or trojan horse infections.
(note that the trojan horse infections were quarantined - the AV software was
not able to delete the infected files. However, the popup still appears.
I searched through the KB but no luck. Any thoughts? Sorry for the long
post. Thanks.
sequence of events that gave rise to this popup. Here are the machine config
details: running Windows XP SP3, IE7. Using PC-cillin Internet Security
2007. Also, this problem seemed to start after she upgraded to IE7 - one
thing I noticed is that the homepage for IE was changed to google.com.
Here is what I am seeing: A popup arising from an icon (a red circle with a
white x) in the task tray indicating that the computer has a spyware
infection. I suspect this popup is not generated by a Microsoft
product/service because there is a spelling error in the body of the error
message: "It recommended you use special antispyware tools to *pervent* data
loss." (*'s added by me). I am not able to right click on the icon to
display properties tab or shortcut menu.
I ran PC-cillin and removed any spyware and/or trojan horse infections.
(note that the trojan horse infections were quarantined - the AV software was
not able to delete the infected files. However, the popup still appears.
I searched through the KB but no luck. Any thoughts? Sorry for the long
post. Thanks.