Yes, it's running in explorer


Mike John

Yes, it's running in explore

is there any other way beside send keys the explore menu
to lauch the send page function.

sincerely yours

Mike John

Kevin Spencer

I don't know about everyone else here, but I use Outlook to read newsgroups,
and it is set to hide read messages. Therefore, when I see a post which,
like this one, lacks the word "Re:" in the title, and doesn't refer to the
original post title, and doesn't quote any of the messages that it is
replying to in the thread, I have no idea what it is referring to. Now, I
can, in a pinch, change my Outlook settings so that I can view the whole
thread, in order to figure out what this message refers to, but that takes
some time to do, and if I did that with every message like this I'd be here
all day. So I generally don't. I would suspect that this is fairly common.
Therefore, it would seem logical that, in order to get the most and best
answers, it would be beneficial to use "Re: <original subject>" as the title
for a response, and to quote at least the last message responded to in the
current message. But maybe that's just me.


Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things

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