yellow triangle when homepage loads



xp,sp2,dsl,256 ram everytime homepage loads yellow triangle in bottom
left states done, but with errors on page. computer works fine, just don't
understand this message. i mistakenly posted on xp media before i realized i
was in wrong place. thank you for your help.


topo said:
xp,sp2,dsl,256 ram everytime homepage loads yellow triangle in bottom
left states done, but with errors on page. computer works fine, just don't
understand this message. i mistakenly posted on xp media before i realized i
was in wrong place. thank you for your help.

What web browser is being used? Some are more tolerant of some flavors
of HTML programming and Java scripting whereas others are not, esp. when
the web page is compiled through a web programming application instead
of straight-forward, raw HTML programming with a pure text editor.

Tim Slattery

topo said:
xp,sp2,dsl,256 ram everytime homepage loads yellow triangle in bottom
left states done, but with errors on page.

So there's a coding error someplace on that HTML page. That could
affect the display of the page in your browser, but it won't affect
anything else. If you wrote the page, you'll probably want to find and
fix the problem. If you're just pointing to a page someplace on the
net, then you'll have to live with it.


thanks all for your responses. the web page is my at&t home page. at&t has
changed homepage a couple times since they bought bell south so they can cram
more advertising where you don't want it. i agree with you, i'll just live
with it. thanks.

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