XP SP2 Poll/Question



I was wondering in what fashion most people installed their SP2 update. I
downloaded the version from the MS site to my desktop. I cleaned up the
computer with Adaware. I ran the SP2 upgrade. I then defragged my hard drive
after the update. I did this with both computers and have had no problems.

I guess my question is: did anyone try installing the XP SP2 from the
auto-update? Any success? Anyone try installing it by choosing OPEN rather
than save from the manual download? Seems like a lot of people are having
basic problems with this update.


I first installed from the Update site and wound up with
a huge mess, um... disaster. Uninstall wouldn't work.
System Restore wouldn't work. Fortunately I was 100%
backed-up. So I restored the backup and started over.
D/L'd the 272mb executable file from MSFT and installed
it with no troubles evident. Seems to be a common story.
z -------------------------------------------------------


my auto update was successful. But i being microsoft employee my vote should
not be counted. :)


I did mine through windows update with a dialup, so it
took very very long to do. But after the download and
install, just took a bit to reconfigure itself to the SP2
but I have had NO problem whatso ever.

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