XP SP2 Control Panel Freezes



1st installed XP XP2. After problems, restored to a date before install. Now
computer freezes when I try to Delete files from Control Panel/Internet
options and I have to shut down manually. When I try to back up to the
location I wish to to Save a file from Internet, the computer is very slow
getting out of IE. I must now delete files from TEMP Internet File folder by
going through Explore. If I don't delete files daily, the internet either
freezes or doesn't work at all. Suggestions?

Andre Da Costa

Restart in safe mode, do a disk clean up and defrag the hard disk.

Also, click start > run > type in "msconfig" without quotes > startup (tab),
uncheck any unnecessary programs that might be starting up with the system
and running in the background.

Andre Da Costa


Thanks for your suggestions. When I restored to a previous date, I ran disk
clean up and defrag at that time. I checked msconfig>startup and have no
problems there. Any other suggestions?


You can also go into: Tools > Internet options
Press the Settings button in the Temporary Internet files
Check how muchs space is allocate to the temp files, and
increase if neccessary
Then press the 'ok' button

Next select the "Advanced' tab
scroll down to the 'security' section
Select the 'Empty the temporary internet files folde on
exit'. THis will empty it automaticly, so you do not have


Again thanks for the suggestions, but they still didn't help. I changed the
space and I checked "empty..." When I left Internet Options I could no
longer get back on the internet, the computer froze several times. It took
awhile, but I managed to change the settings back to what they were before
and then was able to get back on the internet to reply. Once more, any other

Russell said:
You can also go into: Tools > Internet options
Press the Settings button in the Temporary Internet files
Check how muchs space is allocate to the temp files, and
increase if neccessary
Then press the 'ok' button

Next select the "Advanced' tab
scroll down to the 'security' section
Select the 'Empty the temporary internet files folde on
exit'. THis will empty it automaticly, so you do not have

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