XP Service Pack 2 OK with Dell Dimension 8300 PC?



Does anyone know if it's safe to install the service pack with this
PC? It's a Dimension 8300 at 2.8GHz with 500MB RAM. I've heard there
could be problems with this machine so I want to see what they might
be first. Thanks.

***************** Cameron Hughes *****************
************** (e-mail address removed) ***************
*********** '00 Sportster 1200 Custom ************
**************** Carpe diem, baby ****************

Bob Knowlden

That question is probably best asked of Dell.


Dell claims that SP2 is supported by the 8300. I doubt that the 8300 has any
special tendency to have trouble with SP2. It uses an Intel 875 chipset,
which has a favorable reputation.

See also:


(The above links may wrap.)

I believe that it's possible to have problems with an SP2 installation on
*any* PC, so it's best to allow the installer to archive files so that you
can uninstall it if needed (using the add/remove programs control panel).

My personal experience is limited. I did see some infrequent program hanging
after upgrading my (homebuilt, non Dell) system to SP2. I resolved it by
preparing a copy of the XP CD with SP2 "slipstreamed" onto it. After a
repair installation of XP w/SP2, things were stable again. I don't know
whether the copy of XP Dell provides (if Dell still provides the CD) is
capable of having SP2 slipstreamed onto it. If so, use Google to search on
Autostreamer. I haven't tried it myself, but it's supposed to be easy and
effective. (I slipstreamed SP2 using a recipe at
http://www.tacktech.com/display.cfm?object=article.cfm&id=160. It was a
little tedious, but not difficult.)


Bob Knowlden

Address may be scrambled. Replace nkbob with bobkn.


Does anyone know if it's safe to install the service pack with this
PC? It's a Dimension 8300 at 2.8GHz with 500MB RAM. I've heard there
could be problems with this machine so I want to see what they might
be first. Thanks.

I did an 8300 yesterday. I had no problems, but of course I followed
proper procedure:

1. Client had already backed up all her data.
2. I removed all viruses and spyware and I was sure that the machine was
100% squeaky-clean.
3. I did all maintenance; i.e., deleted all temporary files, Temporary
Internet Files, defragged, etc.
4. Went to Dell's website and looked for patches that would need to be
installed before applying SP2 (didn't find any).
5. Unplugged the computer from the network, killed any extra programs
and processes that were running including av and firewall, and popped
in the SP2 cd and installed.

Here are links to more information about SP2:

Are You Ready for WinXP SP2?

Visiting a Service Center to Get SP2

SP2 links to OEMs

http://forum.aumha.org/index.php - See SP2 forums

http://www.michna.com/kb/WxSP2.htm and



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