XP repair issue - smss.exe



I had Windows XP SP2 it started asking me that my version is not Genuinne
then I repaired with Windows XP SP1 CD from my company and entered the new
license key...now its not allowing me to update to SP2 service pack ...I get
error which says smss.exe is referred by some other applicaiton....how to
tackle this


are you booting from the New CD or trying to run the install from

Ron Martell

abcd said:
I had Windows XP SP2 it started asking me that my version is not Genuinne
then I repaired with Windows XP SP1 CD from my company and entered the new
license key...now its not allowing me to update to SP2 service pack ...I get
error which says smss.exe is referred by some other applicaiton....how to
tackle this

Are you using the complete SP2 download or the SP2 CD from Microsoft,
or are you just getting the updates via the Windows Update site?

Here is a website with some planning and preparation tips for
installing SP2: http://www3.telus.net/dandemar/spackins.htm

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


I havd Windows XP SP2 I booted and repaired with Windows XP SP1. It
converted my windows to SP1. But the gunnie error has gone. Now I am tying
to apply SP2 but it fails at smss.exe is used by some other applicaiton and
can not install SP2.

thanks in advance

Ron Martell

abcd said:
I am trying to install SP2 from WindowsUpdate site...
Try getting the complete service pack download from
if you have a high speed internet connection.

If you are on dialup (or don't want to mess with the large download)
then order it on CD from

Good luck

Ron Martell Duncan B.C. Canada
Microsoft MVP (1997 - 2006)
On-Line Help Computer Service

"Anyone who thinks that they are too small to make a difference
has never been in bed with a mosquito."


Search for smss.exe error in this forum and look for the subject smss.exe
error when installing sp2. I had the same problem and found no way to correct
it. It was suggested to create a slipstream CD which basically merges the
original XP installation CD with SP2. I created my CD using Nero and it
worked like a charm.


Thats what I did and now its working fine. I burned the Windows XP with SP2
and repaired.

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