xp registry



I want to clean my registry (Windows Xp home). Is pctools package "Registry
Cleaner" a good option?


I want to clean my registry (Windows Xp home)

Why?? While the registry amy contain "dead" items, WindowsXP is quite
capable of managing the registry without detriment to the operation of
your system.

Registry cleaners can cause more trouble than they are worth, and are
often bordering on being "gimmick" software. After all, would run any
other program on your computer not fully knowing what it's going to

Not recommended.

Will Denny


***All*** so called Registry 'cleaners' can be more trouble than they are
worth - including making a system completely unbootable. My advice would be
to let XP manage the Registry by itself.


Will Denny
MS-MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


oer said:
I want to clean my registry (Windows Xp home). Is pctools package
"Registry Cleaner" a good option?

Depends on YOUR expertise in modifying the registry. Registry cleaners
should be used as a convenience tool by expert users that already
understand the registry providing the registry cleaner actually tells
the expert user what changes that it intends to make and prompts BEFORE
making those changes. If you don't understand the changes that the
registry cleaner will suggest, how can it be a good tool since the
authority allowing the change is you but you don't understand?

Drew Tognola


I've been using Registry Mechanic for a couple years and I do backup my
registry weekly. I can honestly say that I've had zero problems due to a Reg
Cleaning with Registry Mechanic. In fact I've used others before this that
have caused problems but now I wouldn't trust anything else. With that said,
If you use a Registry Backup, such as 'ERUNT' and as long as you can get
back into windows you shouldn't have a problem returning the registry.
I tend to be a little braver when it comes to the registry, I really
recommend it though.


Bruce Chambers

oer said:
I want to clean my registry (Windows Xp home).

Why would you think you need to clean your registry?

What specific problem are you experiencing that you *know* beyond
all reasonable doubt will be fixed by using a registry "cleaner?" If
you do have a problem that is rooted in the registry, it would be far
better to simply edit (after backing up, of course) only the specific
key(s) and/or value(s) that are causing the problem. Why use a shotgun
when a scalpel will do the job? Additionally, the manually changing of
one or two registry entries is far less likely to have the dire
consequences of allowing an automated product to make multiple changes

The registry contains all of the operating system's "knowledge" of
the computer's hardware devices, installed software, the location of the
device drivers, and the computer's configuration. A misstep in the
registry can have severe consequences. One should not even turning
loose a poorly understood automated "cleaner," unless he is fully
confident that he knows *exactly* what is going to happen as a result of
each and every change. Having seen the results of inexperienced people
using automated registry "cleaners," I can only advise all but the most
experienced computer technicians (and/or hobbyists) to avoid them all.
Experience has shown me that such tools simply are not safe in the hands
of the inexperienced user.

The only thing needed to safely maintain your registry is knowledge
and Regedit.exe. If you lack the knowledge and experience to maintain
your registry by yourself, then you also lack the knowledge and
experience to safely configure and use any automated registry "cleaner,"
no matter how safe they claim to be.

Further, no one has ever demonstrated, to my satisfaction, that the
use of an automated registry "cleaner," particularly by an untrained,
inexperienced computer user, does any real good. There's certainly been
no empirical evidence offered to demonstrate that the use of such
products to "clean" WinXP's registry improves a computer's performance
or stability.

Is pctools package "Registry
Cleaner" a good option?

I don't imagine it's any more harmful than any other such product. It
certainly won't be any more useful.


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Ken Blake, MVP

oer said:
I want to clean my registry (Windows Xp home).


Is pctools package
"Registry Cleaner" a good option?

Leave the registry alone. Despite what many people think, and what vendors
of registry cleaning software try to convince you of, having unused registry
entries doesn't really hurt you.

The risk of a serious problem caused by a the registry cleaner erroneously
removing an entry you need is far geater than any potential benefit it may


Leave the registry alone. Despite what many people think, and what vendors
of registry cleaning software try to convince you of, having unused registry
entries doesn't really hurt you.

The risk of a serious problem caused by a the registry cleaner erroneously
removing an entry you need is far geater than any potential benefit it may

Bullsh!t. I use System Suite's registry cleaner all the time.



oer said:
I want to clean my registry (Windows Xp home). Is pctools package "Registry
Cleaner" a good option?

If you want to clean the registry use a conservitive cleaner.
EasyCleaner is VERY conservative.

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