XP Pro (With SP2 Installed) Repairs Problems


Gerard Walsh

Hi All,
I have recently downloaded and installed XP SP2. But
following that I have also installed a new Maxtor 80Gb
SATA 150 TX HD, which is causing havoc with my XP Pro O.S.
Files (Many corrupted).

This is causing intermittent crashes and I am losing more
and more XP Pro O.S. files through corruption plus many
other application files.

Therefore I tried to 'repair' the O.S. by running the XP
Pro CD from the run command but I get:-

Setup cannot continue because the version of Windows on
your computer is newer than the version on the CD.

Warning: If you decide to delete the newer version of
Windows that is currently installed on your computer, the
files and settings cannot be recovered.

Which is the SP2 install.

HOW do I repair my O.S.? plus if anybody knows how to get
a SATA 150 HD to work with Win XP Pro I would be very
grateful if you could pass on the info?

Regards Gerard Walsh


I asked the same question in another forum. The answer was that a repair
install using the XP CD would revert everything back to what it was when
installed originally. Updates are not saved.

The fix to this problem was to create a new XP CD by "Slipstreaming" the
original XP CD and the SP2 update together and 'burn' and new CD.

The SATA drive - did you install the drivers from the motherboard

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