XP Pro LSASS cant initialize

  • Thread starter r.....kellyatRingsidecom
  • Start date


Hello community,

I have been experiencing a rather bizarre issue lately. I
have a user who has WinXP Pro installed. 2 weeks ago my
boss was called to t-shoot this users machine. The problem
is that when the computer is booting the LSASS pops up a
window stating that it could not initialize. The error
address it gives me is 0xc00000142, or very close to that
number maybe a few more zeros but I know the last four
digits are 0142. I have addressed this issue twice now in
2 days. It seems to be when the user shuts down and on the
next time they restart it will give me the error. I have
been able to work around it by using the LAST KNOWN GOOD
CONFIGURATION. But I really want to get to the bottom of
this issue. I have checked the LSASS.EXE file and it is
current. The computer will load through the text portion
of startup, but when it gets to the LOGON screen it
flashes the LSASS error and then reboots. I have a Event
ID 5719 that is showing in my system log as well.
This event seems to be in every instance where the
computer has this problem. and does not occur when I
restore from LAST KNOWN GOOD CONFIGURATION. I also have
another event in system log that says Group Policy could
not be updated on this machine, and it aborts, this is
also in the same time frame as the other event 5719. Is
group policy updating part of the LSASS initialization,
and if so, if LSASS can not successfully initialize will
it FORCE REBOOTING? The machine has the most current SP,
SP2, Norton AV ver 8.1, and is current with Hotfixes up to
the ADOB.Stream hotfix (most current fix). I suspect that
their is an issue with one of the patches but am unsure as
to which one, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you
R Kelly


r.....kellyatRingsidecom said:
is that when the computer is booting the LSASS pops up a
window stating that it could not initialize. The error

You got worms.


-----Original Message-----

You got worms.
This problem does not popup everytime....nor has it
happened since the last time I posted (July 6) I was
wondering if it might be something else......Stinger, NAV
and good ol' manual search for files created / modified in
the last 2 weeks did not find anything.
The only thing I found consistent in every instance it
happened, there was an event logged stating it could not
find the Domain Controller.
Any more ideas?
This is really bugging me, even though it works now, i
know better than to just go with it. I feel like something
is brewing underneath......and this is the only machine on
our network experiencing this issue. (we have 60 computers
on our network)

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