XP Home Edition troubles me...



My PC with XP Home Edition hangs very frequently stops responding
unexpectedly and I have to restart again and again.
Event Veiwer shows application hang,Not Responding message.
My Vendor says its due to Voltage fluctuations in electrical wiring.Is this
I have P4,2.4,WinXP Home.
Please help me to solve my severe problem.



Is this a new PC or one that you just upgraded w/ XP home? If the latter is
true, then it probably is NOT a voltage issue....



Hi ! Doug
Thanks for the reply.
I have purchased all new Hardware PC before 3 months.
I took back to my Vendor 3-4 times.He checked for 2-3 hours and did not find
any defects in any hardwares. but He says may be Voltage variations at my
I have NVidia 64 MB Video Card,512 RAM.
If u find any link to solve,pl let me know.
Thank You.


I am having the same problem - After 2 weeks of trial and error I "clean booted"

Everything worked fine until I installed Norton Internet Security. I am now back to looking at blue screens regularly!!!!


Can you take your computer to a friends place and connect it up there
for a couple of hours, this is to see if the same programs being used
in the same manner causes the same problems.
If the computer works well then it could be the power into you house
that is the problem, you may need a UPS to help with the fluctuating
power which will in the long run, do damage to most electrical
appliances. You can get an electrician to check the power levels in
the points to see if it is at the correct levels, I had a similar
problem a couple of years ago and it was a faulty transformer down the


My PC with XP Home Edition hangs very frequently stops responding
unexpectedly and I have to restart again and again.
Event Veiwer shows application hang,Not Responding message.
My Vendor says its due to Voltage fluctuations in electrical wiring.Is this
I have P4,2.4,WinXP Home.
Please help me to solve my severe problem.

Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Product Version: 6.0.553 Release Date: 02/09/2003
Virus Database: 345 Release Date: 18/12/2003

Wesley Vogel

Call your power company. They can do a check.
You do pay your bill every month don't you?
No sense paying an Electrician unless you don't get
any satisfaction from your power co.

By the way, I am an Electrician who likes to get paid.

Jim Harkins

I am having the same problem - After 2 weeks of trial and error I "clean booted".

Everything worked fine until I installed Norton Internet Security. I am now back to looking at blue screens regularly!!!!

It seems to me that a lot of postings on various MS sites suggest that
Norton and Windows programs don't actually work all that well

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Jim Harkins

If the computer works well then it could be the power into you house
that is the problem, you may need a UPS to help with the fluctuating

I can't conceive of anybody NOT using a UPS...

Mad? Subscribe to VITUPERATIONS = you'll get madder, and you'll like it!

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