XP Home and domain login...


Rod Janson


Does it exist *any* way that a XP Home computer can log in to a domain

No? Not even to a Linux Samba domain controller...?

Thanks for comments



Rod said:

Does it exist *any* way that a XP Home computer can log in to a domain

No? Not even to a Linux Samba domain controller...?

Create a user account and password on the server that matches the one(s)
on the XP Home machine. Then the Home machine will be able to use
domain resources.

As for the Samba server, have you set it up so it is used like a *real*
domain server or do you just want to have a file server? If the latter,
then the instructions in the first paragraph will work just fine.
You'll need to add the users/passwords to Samba as well as to the Linux
users with smbpasswd -a.


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