XP cannot load after reactivating Windows



Recieving a message that the hardware of my computer had changed drastically,
I was prompted to re-activate my Windows XUsuallyP within 3 days or else the
XP would stop working. I immediately reactivated the XP over an internet
connection(broadband). It was working fine until the supposed day when XP
would not function(4th day). The computer did not boot up and there was no
signal from the video input. Usually the computer would start up with a short
'beep' sound but this time there was a long beep and the power light was
flashing which was not normal. I did a self diagnostic test with the moniter
and found that it could work with other computers so I suspected a problem
with the CPU. Please help me from here. Thank you.

Richard Urban

For a start, check in your computer manual or M/B manual for "beep codes".
Find out what one long beep indicates. The codes are specific to your
computer, as there are no standards that cover this "hardware" function.



Richard Urban
Microsoft MVP Windows Shell/User

Quote from George Ankner:
If you knew as much as you think you know,
You would realize that you don't know what you thought you knew!


Enyi said:
Recieving a message that the hardware of my computer had changed
drastically, I was prompted to re-activate my Windows XUsuallyP within
3 days or else the XP would stop working. I immediately reactivated
the XP over an internet connection(broadband). It was working fine
until the supposed day when XP would not function(4th day). The
computer did not boot up and there was no signal from the video input.
Usually the computer would start up with a short 'beep' sound but this
time there was a long beep and the power light was flashing which was
not normal. I did a self diagnostic test with the moniter and found
that it could work with other computers so I suspected a problem with
the CPU. Please help me from here. Thank you.

You have a critical hardware failure. This has nothing to do with the
operating system (XP - software). Your motherboard manual (or the
motherboard mftr.'s website) will have information as to what the very
long beep means - it is a code informing you of what hardware has

If you have an OEM machine (Dell, HP, etc.) contact their tech support
for help. Otherwise, you will be best off taking the machine to a
professional computer repair shop (not your local version of
BigStoreUSA) for diagnosis/repair.



My computer is a DIY computer I built 3 years ago. I was just wondering
whether the problem could be in the graphics card. After removing it then
putting it back on, the computer would work occasionally. This reminds me of
numerous occassions when the computer hung for no reason and rebooted itself
on previous usage. The Microsoft crash analysis said that it was because of a
data cycle in the graphics so there was no response. They asked to update my
drivers for the graphic card but there was no updates to be downloaded from
the internet. I wonder why my graphic card does not work because it is quite
a good card. I need help from here. Thanks for all your help.


Enyi said:
My computer is a DIY computer I built 3 years ago. I was just
wondering whether the problem could be in the graphics card. After
removing it then putting it back on, the computer would work
occasionally. This reminds me of numerous occassions when the computer
hung for no reason and rebooted itself on previous usage. The
Microsoft crash analysis said that it was because of a data cycle in
the graphics so there was no response. They asked to update my drivers
for the graphic card but there was no updates to be downloaded from
the internet. I wonder why my graphic card does not work because it is
quite a good card. I need help from here. Thanks for all your help.

Hardware fails. Fact of life. It doesn't matter whether the hardware was
good or not. You have to find out what is failing. The beep code you
are getting is a clue. You have to troubleshoot your hardware


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