XP, an old app and ODBC ?




I have an old VB5/6 application ( the vendor went bust years ago) that
connects to SQL7 via ODBC only.

Its always worked fine, until I got some new XP clients. With these I can
create my ODBC datasource and test it fine, but when the App tries to use it
I get a stack dump (you know with the Send/Dont Send button).
The same happens whatever compatibility mode I choose.

I've downloaded the latest everything I can think of (MDAC, VB Runtime) but
no change. This all works fine on Win98/Nt/2000 clients -
advice from the ODBC group says I may get more joy here.

I cant work out how to paste the error in here, but heres a taster...

Error Signature: App Name MyApp.exe Mod Name: dao350.dll Mod Ver 3.51.1608.0
Offset 00016216

In the technical information, module 1 is MyApp, Module 2 is ntdll.dll,
module 3 is kernel.dll

Can anyone give me an insight into why this might be happenning / what I can
do about it ?


Rob Schneider

This may be a long shot, but have you tried runningn the XP Compatibilty
Wizard for this proogram?

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


Rob Schneider

The app may be dead if you must use XP

.... maybe you can get the source from somewhere and make it work in
current versions of VB ...

.... maybe you can setup a Win 95 or Win 98 Machine (separate or inside
VMware or Virtual PC running on XP) to make it work.

Hope this is useful to you. Let us know.


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