WZCSVC for wireless authority in Win2K



I have an IBM T22 running Win2K, SP4. We use a wireless lan with certificate authentication that requires the use of WZCSVC to associate the certificate authority with the wireless connection (as I understand it). Within SP3 and SP4 was the necessary update (Q313664) to install WZCSVC. It should appear in the list of services and needs to be set to Automatic Start. Fine. It is not there. I have tried
(1) Installing NETWZC.INF (right click, Install - - it ran...) and rebooting but that did not work. No WZCSVC service listed
(2) In Regedit, I did not have an entry for the key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WZCSVC, so I added an entry to the registry and added the DWORD entry Start with a value = 2 (the suggested fix for this problem in WinXP) and rebooted. I now have these entries in the registry, but still no WZCSVC service running (or even listed...)

Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Vance Green

WZCSVC = Wireless Zero Config crap.

It does NOT exist (thankfully) in W2K, only XP and up.

wclavey said:
I have an IBM T22 running Win2K, SP4. We use a wireless lan with
certificate authentication that requires the use of WZCSVC to associate the
certificate authority with the wireless connection (as I understand it).
Within SP3 and SP4 was the necessary update (Q313664) to install WZCSVC. It
should appear in the list of services and needs to be set to Automatic
Start. Fine. It is not there. I have tried:
(1) Installing NETWZC.INF (right click, Install - - it ran...) and
rebooting but that did not work. No WZCSVC service listed.
(2) In Regedit, I did not have an entry for the key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WZCSVC, so I added an
entry to the registry and added the DWORD entry Start with a value = 2 (the
suggested fix for this problem in WinXP) and rebooted. I now have these
entries in the registry, but still no WZCSVC service running (or even


Actually it does exist - - and everyone's laptops that are using wireless at my office have the service running. It is one of the things contained in the upgrade Q313664 (check the contents... http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;313664 ) which is part of SP3. So while I understand (from reading the WinXP boards and my experiences with my home networks running XP Pro) that it can be a problem, I need that problem or I cannot use wireless at work. It provides IEEE 802.1x authentication for wireless lan service, which is not a native part of Win2K

The tech services team have no idea how to install the WZCSVC.dll - - they look at their installed services and it is there, then they look at mine and it is not - - same OS, same machine, same SP. And as you can see in my other note, I have exhausted my limited knowledge of getting that service running

Any other ideas? Thanks.

Vance Green

Re-apply SP3 with your wireless card up
and running?

Perhaps it'll detect it and set it up for you...

wclavey said:
Actually it does exist - - and everyone's laptops that are using wireless
at my office have the service running. It is one of the things contained in
the upgrade Q313664 (check the contents...
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;313664 ) which is
part of SP3. So while I understand (from reading the WinXP boards and my
experiences with my home networks running XP Pro) that it can be a problem,
I need that problem or I cannot use wireless at work. It provides IEEE
802.1x authentication for wireless lan service, which is not a native part
of Win2K.
The tech services team have no idea how to install the WZCSVC.dll - -
they look at their installed services and it is there, then they look at
mine and it is not - - same OS, same machine, same SP. And as you can see
in my other note, I have exhausted my limited knowledge of getting that
service running.

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