Here I am learning WinForms and two months into it I learn there's a
WPF API that is coming out. Is this WPF out yet, and is it a threat
to WinForms, in the sense that all the library routines I memorize and/
or familiarize myself in WinForms will disappear in WPF? I did note
in one early version of C#, the non-generic "ArrayList" was replaced
by the generic and template <> based List, but that kind of change is
not a big deal. If WPF makes these trivial changes I can deal with
it, otherwise not.
I see WPF uses some variant of XML in lieu of binary serialization,
which is no biggie, but if it does away with the drag and drop Wizards
interface of Visual Studio 2008 C#, with IntelliSense, I will be
bummed (I doubt it).
Also is C# going to be supported in WPF? I suppose so.
Any thoughts appreciated. Seems to me, as a newbie coming from a C++
background, that C#.NET is a lot of just familiarizing yourself with
entry points (where to put your code and what the preferred class
library functions to use), which is made much easier with the 'partial
classes' and wizard non-programmic instantiation of objects.
Also it seems to me (intuition) that ASP.NET will be more affected by
WPF, since ASP.NET seems more like a script/macro language and/or not-
strongly typed (no strong IntelliSense, at least when I checked it out
a few years ago).
Windows Presentation Foundation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This subsystem is a part of .NET Framework 3.0
The Windows Presentation Foundation (or WPF), formerly code-named
Avalon, is a graphical subsystem in .NET Framework 3.0 (formerly
called WinFX)[1] and is directly related to XAML.[2] WPF is included
with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, and is also available for
Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, and Windows Server 2003. It
provides a consistent programming model for building applications and
provides a clear separation between the user interface and the
business logic. A WPF application can be deployed on the desktop or
hosted in a web browser. It also enables rich control, design, and
development of the visual aspects of Windows programs. It aims to
unify a host of application services: user interface, 2D and 3D
drawing, fixed and adaptive documents, advanced typography, vector
graphics, raster graphics, animation, data binding, audio and video.
Although WinForms will continue to be widely used, and Microsoft has
created only a few WPF applications, the company promotes WPF for line-
of-business applications.[3]
Microsoft Silverlight is a web-based subset of WPF that enables Flash-
like web and mobile applications with the same programming model
as .NET applications. 3D features are not supported, but XPS and
vector-based drawing are included.
WPF API that is coming out. Is this WPF out yet, and is it a threat
to WinForms, in the sense that all the library routines I memorize and/
or familiarize myself in WinForms will disappear in WPF? I did note
in one early version of C#, the non-generic "ArrayList" was replaced
by the generic and template <> based List, but that kind of change is
not a big deal. If WPF makes these trivial changes I can deal with
it, otherwise not.
I see WPF uses some variant of XML in lieu of binary serialization,
which is no biggie, but if it does away with the drag and drop Wizards
interface of Visual Studio 2008 C#, with IntelliSense, I will be
bummed (I doubt it).
Also is C# going to be supported in WPF? I suppose so.
Any thoughts appreciated. Seems to me, as a newbie coming from a C++
background, that C#.NET is a lot of just familiarizing yourself with
entry points (where to put your code and what the preferred class
library functions to use), which is made much easier with the 'partial
classes' and wizard non-programmic instantiation of objects.
Also it seems to me (intuition) that ASP.NET will be more affected by
WPF, since ASP.NET seems more like a script/macro language and/or not-
strongly typed (no strong IntelliSense, at least when I checked it out
a few years ago).
Windows Presentation Foundation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This subsystem is a part of .NET Framework 3.0
The Windows Presentation Foundation (or WPF), formerly code-named
Avalon, is a graphical subsystem in .NET Framework 3.0 (formerly
called WinFX)[1] and is directly related to XAML.[2] WPF is included
with Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, and is also available for
Windows XP Service Pack 2 or later, and Windows Server 2003. It
provides a consistent programming model for building applications and
provides a clear separation between the user interface and the
business logic. A WPF application can be deployed on the desktop or
hosted in a web browser. It also enables rich control, design, and
development of the visual aspects of Windows programs. It aims to
unify a host of application services: user interface, 2D and 3D
drawing, fixed and adaptive documents, advanced typography, vector
graphics, raster graphics, animation, data binding, audio and video.
Although WinForms will continue to be widely used, and Microsoft has
created only a few WPF applications, the company promotes WPF for line-
of-business applications.[3]
Microsoft Silverlight is a web-based subset of WPF that enables Flash-
like web and mobile applications with the same programming model
as .NET applications. 3D features are not supported, but XPS and
vector-based drawing are included.