Would like to show a Blank cell on a #value! error



I am entering a date in one cell, then in another cell I am using =sum(a1-7) to sub 7 days from the date entered in cell A1. The problem is that if a date has not yet been entered in A1, then the formula cell displays #value

I would like to hide this error or just show a blank cell.


Rick, =IF(A1<>"",A1-7,""). Also note that in your original formula the SUM
was not necessary -- A1-7 is all you needed so far as the arithmetic was
"DDM's Microsoft Office Tips and Tricks"

Rick said:
I am entering a date in one cell, then in another cell I am using
=sum(a1-7) to sub 7 days from the date entered in cell A1. The problem is
that if a date has not yet been entered in A1, then the formula cell
displays #value!

Michael Ivey

You'll need to do an if or statement:


This simply says if A1 is blank, then make this cell blank, if not sub 7
from A1.

Rick said:
I am entering a date in one cell, then in another cell I am using
=sum(a1-7) to sub 7 days from the date entered in cell A1. The problem is
that if a date has not yet been entered in A1, then the formula cell
displays #value!

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