Worms and such



I am sorry if I am not posting in the correct discussion
board. Please advise if I am incorrect.
My computer has become infected with spyware and it
appears as if I have at least 2 different worms as well.
I opened the task manager and have gone manually through
each line to make sure it is a valid process that is
running. I cannot figure out if these are or not:


Can someone please tell me if these are valid or if they
are another infection on my computer? Thanks for any help.


Carey Frisch [MVP]

Download Ad-Aware 6.0 and scan your PC for the presence of spyware:

You may wish to try the Panda ActiveScan Free Online Scanner.
Just click on the "Scan your PC" box.

Symantec Security Check

Use the Security Task Manage for Analyzing/Diagnosing Problems

Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP - Shell/User

Be Smart! Protect your PC!


|I am sorry if I am not posting in the correct discussion
| board. Please advise if I am incorrect.
| My computer has become infected with spyware and it
| appears as if I have at least 2 different worms as well.
| I opened the task manager and have gone manually through
| each line to make sure it is a valid process that is
| running. I cannot figure out if these are or not:
| ipmon32.exe
| notifyalert.exe
| motivesb.exe
| ipclient.exe
| Can someone please tell me if these are valid or if they
| are another infection on my computer? Thanks for any help.
| Monica

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