Hi - have a single worksheet on which I can use Custom Views to show/hide
different columns etc as I need. However, can I save a Sort order with each
View as well as each custom view will have its own sort order and appearance
- it's going to be a pain if I have to change the custom view then do a sort
every time - is there a way round it - or am I stuck with changing the custom
view and maybe assigning a button on the ribbon for a macro to sort for each
different columns etc as I need. However, can I save a Sort order with each
View as well as each custom view will have its own sort order and appearance
- it's going to be a pain if I have to change the custom view then do a sort
every time - is there a way round it - or am I stuck with changing the custom
view and maybe assigning a button on the ribbon for a macro to sort for each