

Yasmin Adams

I'm on XP and am using Word v 2003.

I read up all that's been written on page numbering, but my question is not

I have a huge completed document, let's say it totals 700-odd pages and it's
finalised and printed. Additions have been made to the doc and extra pages
need to be added from page 621, and those pages numbers need to start at
621.1, 621.2, 621.3 and so on, so that the rest of the document is not
affected. How do I tell word to start the numbering using the .1 ?

Hope you can help - and this is urgent too!

Thanks v much!

Doug Robbins - Word MVP on news.microsoft.com

Assuming that the page on which you want 621.1 to appear would normally be
numbered 622, insert a Section Break at the beginning of that page and one
after the last of the new pages and use the following field construction in
the header or footer of that Section in place of the { PAGE } field

{ = 621 + ({ PAGE } - 621)/10 }

You must use Ctrl+F9 to insert each pair of field delimiters { } and use
Alt+F9 to toggle off their display.

The header/footer in this section of the document should be unlinked from
that in the previous section and that in the following section should be
unlinked from the header/footer in this section.

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP, originally posted via msnews.microsoft.com

Stefan Blom

Insert a section break at the end of page 621. In the newly created section,
activate the header and footer view. Place the insertion point in the footer
(or in the header if you want your page numbers in the header). On the
Header and Footer toolbar, click the button to unlink the footer (header).
Then click the Format Page Number button. In the dialog box, choose to
restart page numbering. Click OK to close the dialog. Insert the page number
by clicking the Insert Page Number button on the toolbar and type in "621."
before your page numbers.

For more on restarting page numbering in Word, see

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