Word should provide an openoffice.org / OASIS converter



People are sending me lots of files in openoffice.org format, especially
word processor files using the .sxw file type. Surely Word should be able to
open these? Why can't I find a converter in the list?


Doogie said:
People are sending me lots of files in openoffice.org format, especially
word processor files using the .sxw file type. Surely Word should be able to
open these? Why can't I find a converter in the list?

You could ask the people sending you the files to save it into a .doc
format, but it may not work well, then you could try to open it as an .xml
file, or you could get openoffice.org, it is free.


Ask them to send the files in .pdf format, or, even better, install yourself
openoffice.org . It is free, and during the installation you can tell it not
to associate with microsoft office format files (not to open them by default).
One more thingy: after installing OO, if you do not use only english, open
writer, click Files\wizards\Install new dictionaries, and install the
dictionary you need.

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