Word inserts exra lines when saving...




I'm using Word 2003 and I've got an 8.5x11 document set up landscape with
two columns. When I copy the text I want into the document and get it
formatted properly and then save it, Word adds in an extra line at the bottom
of each column on every page which then throws off my spacing because it then
forces stuff that's supposed to fit entirely on page 2 onto page 3 and so on
down the line.

Anyone know how to disable this "feature"? I've looked through the options
and tried many of the "Suppress extra line spacing at bottom of page" and
"Suppress extra line spacing at top of page" options in there but they don't
seem to have any effect.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TmF0aGFu?=,
I'm using Word 2003 and I've got an 8.5x11 document set up landscape with
two columns. When I copy the text I want into the document and get it
formatted properly and then save it, Word adds in an extra line at the bottom
of each column on every page which then throws off my spacing because it then
forces stuff that's supposed to fit entirely on page 2 onto page 3 and so on
down the line.
Difficult to trouble-shoot at a distance...

Where are you copying the text from?

In what file format are you saving the document?

Are these newspaper or table columns?

If, after copying, you first save and close the document, then re-open and
format, does that help?
Anyone know how to disable this "feature"? I've looked through the options
and tried many of the "Suppress extra line spacing at bottom of page" and
"Suppress extra line spacing at top of page" options in there but they don't
seem to have any effect.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)


Cindy M -WordMVP- said:
Where are you copying the text from?

I'm copying the text from just another plain .txt document. This .txt file
is exported from a traffic analysis program.
In what file format are you saving the document?

I'm just saving it in the default .doc format... so I guess that would be
Word 2003.
Are these newspaper or table columns?

Not sure what the difference is between those... I went to Format> Columns
and selected two and then played with the widths and spacing.
If, after copying, you first save and close the document, then re-open and
format, does that help?

Just tried it... when I save it and close it it still adds in the extra
spaces. It's somewhat irritating because I can get it to look perfect on the
screen but if I try and save it, for some reason it throws in those spaces.

Thank you for your help so far! Any more insight you have on this would be
greatly appreciated... I'm stuck!


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?TmF0aGFu?=,
I'm copying the text from just another plain .txt document. This .txt file
is exported from a traffic analysis program.
Ah, OK. Then we're probably seeing a character in the text file that Word is
having to "translate" when it saves. Could be a Chr$(10)...

Do you have the display of non-printing characters turned on (the backwards P on
the toolbar)? If not, could you do so, please? Then do a save, close, re-open
(or just re-open a document if you have one).

Do you see a backwards P at the beginning of these extra spaces?

If you use Find/Replace to "Find" ^p^p and replace that with ^p do the spaces
close up / go away? (Note: you might be losing extra spacing you want, but right
now we're trying to find out how to deal with what the text file is giving you).
I'm just saving it in the default .doc format... so I guess that would be
Word 2003.

Not sure what the difference is between those... I went to Format> Columns
and selected two and then played with the widths and spacing.

Just tried it... when I save it and close it it still adds in the extra
spaces. It's somewhat irritating because I can get it to look perfect on the
screen but if I try and save it, for some reason it throws in those spaces.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

This reply is posted in the Newsgroup; please post any follow question or reply
in the newsgroup and not by e-mail :)

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